
IS there a genuine astrologer on yahoo here??

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I need an indian mythology astrologer...

who can help me out in my delemma situation.....

No cheaters plll..

i m in a mess...n need someone very genuinelyyyy..

help me out!!!




  1. Dinesh Sharma

     Try this astrologer ...........

    his email :  


  2. Well maybe Vic D will see this answer he is an Vedic Astrologer.

    Here is his website

  3. why you beliving on astrology come to real fact. one day earth quiqe came 10,000 people die. if see his kundlee you can fined, in 10,000 all 12 rashee people is there. long life, good health etc.. etc but all die one time. where is yhe astrology..... think please

  4. Yes I can answer, I need date of  birth,  time  & place of birth.

    You can check my profile...

  5. I am sure i can help you out. I have helped numerous people from India, Uk, USA and France. Every situation has an answer and there are several options available for you. No need to get depressed. I am expertly familiar with various astrologics techniques like vedic , k.p , naadi  , taajic . jaimini , pancha pakshi . Go ahead and ask your question.i will try to help you

  6. I can try....but not a promise

  7. are you suffering for depression? if so,idont know you belive in god.if you belive,pray the:dakshina KALI have no need for astrologer,is it your suitable answer you may mail me. i will give you sugetion about it.

  8. Not an indian mythology astrologer---whatever that is---but I will star this question to try to get you some help.

  9. dont get involved in all these, you'll loose money as well as peace of mind, show me one astrologer who can tell what's going to be with him in the very next minute ? will he die or will he be alive, no one knows futre as of my knowledge, belive in yourself, think about the solution, ask for your parents or friends discuss the problem and find a solution.

    If you are stuck in a problem solve it, only humans get problems in life, and humans have to solve themself, pray for god what u need from life, if its good for then defenately you'll get it.

    goodluck dear.

  10. i am not a proffesional astrologer. buti may be helpful as i do u have a bit knowledge because of my guru.

  11. Try the search if you dont get an answer.....

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This question has 11 answers.


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