
Is a legit website?

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I found some plant seeds I wanted for awhile on this website. However I am cautious about internet stores. Has anyone bought anyhting and recieved it successfully from this website?




  1. senore

    Sorry i don't know any thing about that site . If you want to find this site is legit or not, before buying a products which is cost low and if they deliverer soon you can buy high cost product from the site. You can believe them. I follow this method before buying products form a new site . You can also do a whois search using this site and find out the owner details,email id and etc...Because while registering

    a owner of the website need to give a original id,address to the registrar. So if you can contact the website owner in case of any problem. If they response soon. It is a good website.Other wise if you find the information is fake please don't make order or use this site.


  2. yes, it a legit website, it like be good website to buy nike shoes, adidas shoes, puma shoes, jordan shoes, polo t-shirts, lacoste t-shirts.

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Latest activity: 11 years, 2 month(s) ago.
This question has 2 answers.


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