
¿¡ Spanish HW help pleassssseeeeeeee?!?

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Okay, so I finished the whole thing, but I'm not sure if it's correct, or if I'm at least going the right way on this. I know there are supposed to be accent marks and stuff, but I don't know how to type those, so if you want to include them, feel free to do so =]

The instructions in spanish are: "Escribe la forma correspondiente al sustantivo" [the instructions on the worksheet are a little hard to read because the teacher printed it out of a workbook]

In english[what I could read] are: "Translate the adjective and write the correct form"

The questions: [ "=" means that my answers is next]

1. un apartamento [small] = uno apartamento corto

2. las mujeres [brown- haired] = les mujeres es castano

3. los hombres [tall] = les hombres alto

4. la senora [pretty] = la senora bonito

5. las clases [easy] = las clases facil

NOTE: I will be choosing a best answer.

No bad comments please. This is for spanish II but since it's the beggining of the year, I kinda forgot a lot of stuff, so I'm no really sure about a lot of stuff. Oh yeah, I'm 14, in high school.... And now I'm going to go do my other homework and check back later, so take your time =]




  1. It should be:

    1. un apartamento [small] = un apartamento pequeño

    2. las mujeres [brown- haired] = las mujeres de cabello castaño (or "las mujeres de cabello marrón")

    3. los hombres [tall] = los hombres altos

    4. la senora [pretty] = la señora bonita

    5. las clases [easy] = las clases fáciles

    You did pretty well, I think.

    Acecnt marks:

    Ctrl+Alt+160 = á

    Ctrl+Alt+130= é

    Ctrl+Alt+161 = í

    Ctrl+Alt+162 = ó

    Ctrl+Alt+163 = ú

    Ctrl+Alt+164 = ñ

    I hope this helps!

    Good luck with your homework!

  2. It's easy, I'm mexican

    1. un apartamento [small] = Un apartamento pequeño

    2. las mujeres [brown- haired] = El cabello de las mujeres es castaño

    3. los hombres [tall] = Los hombres son altos

    4. la senora [pretty] = La señora es bonita

    5. las clases [easy] = Las clases son fáciles

    Any other thing ask me, I like to translate.

  3. 1. un apartamento [small] = uno apartamento chiquito/pequeno

    2. las mujeres [brown- haired] = las mujeres estan castanos/as

    3. los hombres [tall] = les hombres altos

    4. la senora [pretty] = la senora bonita

    5. las clases [easy] = las clases faciles

    corto mean "cut of from a larger portion"  it wouldn't be my favorite choice of words, but I guess it works.  When dealing with plurals you have to make the matching adjective also plural. ex. las mujeres viejas as to las mujeres vieja.  When the subject is feminine then the adj. ends in -a and for masculine it ends in -o.  If the subject is plural the adj is plural like this: if it ends in a vowel put an -s at the end.  if it ends in a consonant it ends in -es.  Well good luck in spanish class.  

  4. look! you have somethings wrong, i'm cuban so spanish is my first language. The first exercise is right, in the second you have to do a little change las mujeres [ brown - haired] = las mujeres de cabello castano, in the third instead of "les hombres" is "los  hombres", in the forth sentence instead of "bonito" is "bonita". In the last sentence, intead of " las clases facil" is " las clases faciles". You had it almost alright.

    Good luck with your HW!

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