
· What is the most expensive restaurant that you have ever been to?

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· What is the most expensive restaurant that you have ever been to?




  1. My ex wife's home cooked meal.

  2. Windows on the World! when there was a World Trade Center.  Meal cost $600 two people.

  3. me and my mom decided we would go to that restaraunt in i think california and get the $1,000 ice cream sundae.

    that was the WORST ice cream ive ever had.

  4. some japenese restaurant or this steakhouse that i went to in santa barbara california.each steak was like $100

  5. McDonalds.

  6. gordano services,junction 19 m5,wow i left there with a considerably lighter wallet

  7. The Playboy Club in Manhatten.

  8. legal seafood

  9. todai its not expencive

  10. I can't remember the name.  It was in Pasadena, CA on Raymond Ave. off the 110 freeway.  The breakfast I ordered was $25.

  11. It was the Red Lion.  The menu had no prices and only the one paying got to see the final bill.  It was a friend's father... it was my friend's 21st birthday and he took  six us of  out in a limo to eat and then go clubbing.

  12. THis is not the most expensive total bill, but you have to consider what you get for your money:

    Yesterday, for Thanksgiving, we went to Butterfinger Pancakes in Seoul, Korea.  (We live here; there is really not a decent turkey dinner to speak of, so we went with the best American food that exists here)

    So for 2 pecan ginger pancakes, (Asia size portion; the average American would call them "dollar sized" and eat 12 of them), I paid $6.50.  The glass of OrangeAde was $4.  (but it came with 3 straws;  Koreans share everything)

    My husband had a combo plate of eggs/potatoes/sausage for $20.   (again, think small)

    and then we bought 2 regular, drip coffees.. nothing added, from starbucks for $8

  13. im 14 so probobly a seventy dollar theme restraunt

  14. A restaurant on Osaka; japan, where for 6 people we paid 14 thousand dollars.

  15. one in May fair/London.. was full of diplomats etc..

    normal meal cost £80-130 per person

    was 9 course thai meal... and ex's family ran it. so wasn't paying . her family didn't like me, was well funny in that respect.

    and the head chef.. irish ofcourse =)

    apart from that, other things like caviar are expensive.. and also fugoo fish in japan

  16. Not really a restaurant as such, British Home Stores. Got two portions of macaroni cheese and two cups of tea. Nae price list until ye get tae the till. We spent £13.00 on this teeny snack. The wifie at the till wondered why we didnae huv the free chips that go wi' the macaroni. If we hud known that it wiz so expensive, we would huv hud a bucket o' chips tae go wi' it!!!! Never again. There's something tae be said fur MacDonalds. At least ye know what ye will be spending afore ye get robbed!!!!!

  17. Ruth Chris Steakhouse in Atlanta Georgia.

    we paid $1,000 for everyone....and there was only 5 ppl

  18. Hi,

    The spinning one on top of Kuwait City Tower.

    An orange juice is about £2, before you start eating anything.

    The total bill, on company expenses for two was around £105 for a lousy steak & chips, and a dollop of pud.

    Rediculous, but the rich & famous like to dine there to show off

    Hey Ho !


  19. East by Southwest sushi bar in Durango, CO

    we dropped about 400 dollars on saki and sushi.

  20. McDonald's.  Well, when you factor in that the meat patty was the size of a sunflower seed and I paid 4 bucks, proportionaly speaking McD's is expensive.

  21. The Space Needle in Seattle.

    The view is terrific, but the food was so-so. Overpriced for what it was.

  22. L'Armoire, Geneva.

  23. burger king...extortionate prices for the c**p they serve up

  24. We eat fairly resonable but one night met a friend for a drink when she come over to work in city so we had a drink in the bar where she was staying.

    White wine one glass and Martini one glass small ones cost us £25 so god knows what it would have been to eat there second morgage i think.

  25. school restaurant lol

  26. McDonnalds

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