
¿Where is the evolution taking us?

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The word "evolution" is usually associated to the "improvement" in the adaptation of a specie to the environment. I mean, we think evolution is something positive; an evolutioned being is "superior" to one that is not.

The evolution theories explain evolution as a consequence of the mutations and the natural selection. However, the modern life is eliminating the natural selection, due to the technology (medicine in particular).

To sum up: Mutations exist, but we have nearly no "selection system" to determine which of them are "good ones" and which a "bad ones" (and bad ones are the most).

¿Is this going to deteriorate our genes?

¿Will be the next generations weaker and less intelligent? ¿Isn't genetic manipulation the answer? ¿Should we start considering using it?




  1. Because of the increasing amount of genetic defects and disorders in humans, we may be extinct by the end of this century.

    "By 2031, it is estimated (R2 = 0.995) there will be 100,000 human genetic disorders and by 2096 1,000,000 (see Figure 3). “At least one clinical disorder has been related to 1,318 of the mapped loci (roughly 30%)” (McKusick, 1998, Vol. 1, xiii - xviii). That suggests genetic disorder saturation of each locus by 2031 and supersaturation by 2096. These data confirm human devolution and suggest imminent permanent genetic extinction in this century.

  2. We are becoming physically weaker and mentally stronger everyday. So maybe we will be those alien freaks who will have large heads with frail bodies having the best technology ever imagined.

    I can only say that life started at some point and it will end at one point.

    Everything that is born must die one day. We are heading towards an end.

    The Universe is expanding which will tear everything apart. Our Sun will one day die out.

    The end is nigh. The end in nigh.

  3. I think ADD is the next level of evolution.  Let's drug those brats back into the stone age!

  4. One thing I can tell you is that our skin is going to become more UV resistant than it already is. Another thing is that we will become more immune to the dioxins in our food, water, and air that currently contribe to cancer in humans.

  5. I think autistics and Asperger's are the future.

    I'm not being facetious.  Autistics are often very good at technical things and very bad at social things.  Yet we apply a label to them and force them to undergo social training at the expense of any kind of *real* education.

    Did you know that technical people are more likely to have autistic kids than the rest of the population?  Here's an article called "The Geek Syndrome:"

    Yeah, there most certainly *IS* a selection system in place.  It is designed to maintain the status quo and marginalize anyone who is different.  It is designed to halt evolution by keeping the race from getting better.

    Here's an article about educating autistic children.  It is by an autistic lady who has a PhD in Animal Husbandry.

    "Genius May Be an Abnormality: Educating Students with Asperger's Syndrome, or High Functioning Autism"

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