
¿please dutch-english translation again ?

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Hi, I am contacting somebody in the city hall but i still don't understand why if I write in english the answers are in dutch

please help me

Goedemiddag mevrouw Usagui,

Het is inderdaad zo dat het 45 dagen in totaal betreft in twee jaar. Jullie mogen alle dagen samentellen.

Ik weet niet wat jullie kunnen bewijzen.

Ik stel voor dat je met alle documenten naar onze dienst komt en dan kunnen wij kijken wat er eventueel nog ontbreekt.

Met vriendelijke groeten,




  1. Good afternoon, miss Usagui,

    It is indeed the case that it's about 45 days in total, in two years.

    I don't know what evidence you've got/what you are able to prove.

    I suggest you come to our service with all the documents/files en then we'll be able to see what might occasionally be missing.

    Good day.

  2. "Hello Misses Usagui,

    "It is indeed so that it is 45 days (spread) over two years. You can add up all the days."

    "I don't know what you can (possibly) prove."

    "I propose that you come to our office with all your documents, and then we can see what is possibly still missing."

    "With friendly greetings,"

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