
¿which cool, unconventional places should i visit in france?

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¿which cool, unconventional places should i visit in france?




  1. Try visiting the massif central recently made famous by the film "Perfume"

  2. You could visit chateau de Sedan, the bigest castle in Europe, near the belgium boundary.

    Or visit Colmar and Vosge mountain, in alsacia.

    Or the town of Digne in the alps mountains

  3. I went to France about 6 years ago and my favorite "off the beaten path" location was Belle Ile. It is off the coast on the West side of France in Brittany provence. It is an island you take a ferry to get to and you can rent bicycles to ride around on the island. If you are going to visit a place outside of the general touristy areas and big cities I would definitely reccomend checking this place out! There are some really quaint restaurants and shops as well. It was also a fortress at one point, there is a museum as well.

  4. You should visit Lourdes France. There is a giant cathedral and a pond that exudes holy water. It is a major pilgrimage shrine in France and worth seeing even if you arent religious. There is also the incorruptable body of Burnadette. She died in the 1850's and her body didnt rot, she is on display in the chapel hall.

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