
...ööööhm,... i´m from germany...?

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hey guys,

i was wanted to ask you, how good i can speak english and how many mistakes a make.

Here some examples:

i´m from germany and often use the german yahoo!clever

I am fifteen years old and live in a town next to berlin.

my hobbys are for example play computergames, meet friends and go to partys and i chatt often

i go to the bertolt Brecht high scool and in the subjekt english i have got the mark 2

thanks for all answers :-)




  1. dein englisch ist garnicht so schlecht wenn man daran denkt das man im ost teil des landes frueher kein englisch gesprochen hatte. da du aus der naehe von berlin bist .hat sich ja alles da veraendert.... mit mehr chatten und unterhaltung wird es schon werden eben kleine fluechtigkeits fehler. we understand what you mean und that is all that matters !

  2. Nicht schlecht, nur kleine Grammatik Fehler, aber man kann verstehen, was Du sagst.

    Der einzige Unterschied zwischen den USA und Deutschland ist die Notenverteilung in der Schule.

    Was bei Euch eine 1 oder Sehr gut ist, ist bei uns eine A.

    Und das geht dann so weiter bis F.

    Mach weiter so, Fremdsprachen kann man immer gebrauchen, vor allem Englisch.

  3. hey guys,

    I was wantING to ask you how good I can speak English and how many mistakes I make.

    I'm from Germany and often use the German yahoo! Clever.

    My hobbIES are, for example playING computer games, meetING friends and goING to partIES. I ALSO LIKE CHATTING.

    I go to Brecht High School and in the subjeCt english I have gotTEN the mark 2.

    There are a few minor errors. Chat doesn't have two ts, when saying I as in yourself it is capitalised and I am not sure if you were saying " for example, I play computer games " or "for example, playing computer games"

  4. Pretty good for a fifteen year old! ;o)

    Well there are little errors like "subjekt", it's supposed to be "subject" with c but that's ok. Many native english speakers make little mistakes like that. You're only 15 years old and have a lot of time to learn more and more. I assume you started learning english in 5th grade, so that's great english!!! :o)

    Keep up with it. And the best way you learn it is to talk to english speaking people!

  5. Your English is probably better than my German (I do actually speak German, so that is not an idle comparison.)

    Here are the ways a native speaker might say this stuff differently.

    "I am from Germany and often use the german Yahoo!"

    Capitalization must be hard learning English - It's hard for me and I've spoken it my whole life. But Germany and Yahoo are proper nouns. Same thing with "Berlin" in the next sentence.  Otherwise these sentences are fine.  

    "My hobbies include playing computer games, meeting friends, and going to parties, and I chat often."

    We don't use "for example" nearly as much as Germans use "zum Beispiel".  This is trying to list a subset, and we'd be more likely to use "includes".  And we'd use the "ing" form to make the objects into nouns.  "Play" is a verb, "playing" is a noun - so you want ot do that.  

    I will say that "My hobbies are, for example, playing computer games, meeting friends and going to parties" would be fine grammatically - and would sound just fine.  It's just that a native English speaker would be less likely to use "for example".

    Also, nouns that end in y generally get the -ies as plural.  Hobby, hobbies.  Party, parties.

    "I go to the Bertolt Brecht High School and in the subject English I have got the mark 2."  

    The only grammatical mistake is that it should be have gotten, not have got.  This actually is identical to German.  "Got" is simple past (imperfekt), "have gotten" is past perfect (perfekt).  It's like ich erhielt and ich have erhalten.  

    However there is a more idiomatic way a native speaker would say this.  The "the subject" and "the mark" would be dropped - it would be implied in context.  A native speaker would say

    "I go to the Bertolt Brecht High School and got a 2 in English."  (A native speaker would probably get a C in English, though).

    I hope that helps.

  6. Hallo du kleine "ohne profil"!  Du schreibst ein gutes Englisch aber machst die gleiche Fehler die Englisch sprechende Leute beim deutsch schreiben machen.  So lange du dich verständlich machen kannst .... ist doch alles gut!  Klasse!

    I think you're doing just fine .... better than I do but then I never did go to school in Germany.  I only know the German I learned in high school.  Keep up the good work and continue to practise your reading and writing!  =}

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