
“Can Allaah create a rock that He cannot lift?”?

by Guest10802  |  earlier

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This is a question, which is supposedly asked by missionaries. “Can Allah create a rock which He can’t lift?’ How do we respond to this?.




  1. Allah is the powerful of all, rock is nothing, Allah can scatter the huge mountains, why take rock into consideration at first hand? Allah is a creator of every atom, this whole universe,,,, immature question by them~!

  2. We don't respond to that. Only Christians get asked that question, and by the way, of course he can! But then he can lift it too, if you get what I'm on about.

  3. I don't think Allah needs to lift any thing He created.

    He can merely say move and it will move.  He says Be  and it is there.

    If we can click a button that says submit and our computer pays our bill from our bank account to the account of the Electric Company or any one else,  Allah must have created such a Super computer that we can't even imagine.  Allah has created all sciences  and guides the Engineers and Scientists who are searching for solution and want to discover the sciences,

    Allah has programmed sun, earth and all starts to keep revolving on their fixed tracks and keep earth changing  its angle to some degrees to cause four weathers starting from programmed months of year.

  4. This question has been asked millions of times . As you already know , there's a problem with this request , In fact it can't be called a request at all .

    It's just a meaningless combination of words with a question mark at the end ! Something like : can you go there without going there ?

    When we say god is capable of doing everything , this "Everything" consists of any job which exists or can be existed Although we can never imagine how powerful he is.

  5. For Allah belongs all that is in the heavens and the earth, and what is between them, nothing is hard for Allah, all he has to do is say be, and it is, faster then a blink of an eye.

  6. Allah Can do everything, he just say to be then the thing will be as soon. So Allah do by just talk, his word is action.

    That is Allah as we know, and who ask this question not know Allah well.

    I wish I can declare, but unfortunately I am not used to describe the Islamic issues in English.

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