
“If we say that a mother can kill her own child, how can we tell other people not to kill each other"? ?

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"The fruit of abortion is nuclear war.” Mother Teresa




  1. Do u oppose war and the death penalty cause many right wingers are hypocritical bout this. If u are truly pro life then i respect ur view even though i am pro choice

  2. That's not a question but a topic for a long debate which has gone on for many years and will continue to for many more

  3. Less complex than a shrimp?!!!!  This argument may have worked in 1973, but science has advanced a bit since then.  I wasn't going to answer this one until I read that response.   A human baby has a heartbeat at 3 weeks.  Humans have always known that it was wrong to kill the unborn.  Just because Roe v. Wade made this abomination legal in the U.S. doesn't make it right.

  4. It is illegal for a mother to kill her own child.

    However, a three-week old embryo is not a child.  It is a group of cells less developed and less complex than a shrimp.

  5. Mother Teresa was so right :P.

  6. Abortion is a personal choice. I personally thin kthat aborting a child before there is a heartbeat (-8weeks) then its not murder. This question and/or theory is up in the air. Many might not agree with me but as for being in the medical field, I understand life and cells very well. Killing consists of something being alive, in my opinion something without a heartbeat isn not technically alive.

  7. It can be used for the death penalty as well:

    Why do we kill people who kill people to teach that killing people is wrong--Ghandi

  8. very good question, i applaud you and would like to join you in this question to all pro-abortion people out there.

  9. This is exactly the problem.

    At what point is a mother allowed to kill an innocent life?  As long as it hasn't seen the light of day yet?  What about a 2 month old baby?  Is a mother allowed to kill that life if she doesn't want it?  

    Abortion is murder.  If you don't want a baby, don't make a baby!

    And I disagree with the dealth penalty also.  I think that people who commit horrible crimes should be forced into situations that are worse than death.  I do not like the "cruel and unusual punishment" ammendment.  I think that people who commit horrible crimes should have to have cruel and unusual punishment... if that was an option, I could surely come up with something worse for them then death.

  10. Because a glob of cells is not a child.  The human egg is about the size of the period at the end of this sentence.

    People with wild imaginations who don't understand Science try to claim that a thing called a soul is transferred to or is present in a fertilized egg, but they can't give a single shred of evidence of what this 'soul' thing is. Therefore, they are more likely full of c**p and don't even know what they are talking about.

    We can tell people to not kill each other in many ways.

    Killing is usually done out of an emotional response and not through logic.

    Many times is it (wrongfully) done without thought, such as with wars. People follow rules without question or are trained to kill. It is sad.

    I am a vegetarian, anti-war, and am very against late-term abortion.

    Often i wonder why many people who are anti-pro choice are so pro-war and favor the death penalty.

  11. Here is another riddle, If a guy attacks a woman and kills her fetus, he can be charged with murder in some state. But, in those states, it is legal for a woman to abort the fetus. Huh?

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