
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★Do you accept Obama s not a fame-hungry diva, but the most Qualified Presidential Candidate ?

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★Do you accept Obama s not a fame-hungry diva, but the most Qualified Presidential Candidate ?





  2. between Mccain and Obama, of course Obama is the most qualified....

    i aint voting for a guy who aproves with bush 95% of the time...

  3. yes i do.. mccain's campaign saying that about obama, that he's the biggest celebrity or w/e is ridiculous.. since when is it wrong to be liked and popular? I believe he truly wants the best for the country and will help it a lot :)

  4. Fame hungry diva? That's an excellent description of Palin, not Obama.

  5. But he's been a community organizer. Like most previous Presidents.  

  6. Certainly not.  Put the VPs aside... what makes Obama more qualified than McCain???  I can't think of anything...

  7. Yes, Obama is by far the most qualified and stable candidate for president.

    I don't think Deva is the correct gender term. Deva is female while Devo is male, I think.  

  8. He may not be a fame driven diva, but he is unqualified.  

  9. Oh please! What about the "Palin is HOT" buttons worn by delegates?

    Well, it isn't over until the fat lady (diva = goddess) sings.

    Too bad for republicans Obama is popular, his base is crazy about him and his message. I bet he could be a rock star too!

    I think only one person mentioned what was said about issues at the Republican convention. One cannot run a country on bashing the opponents. If they don't have any new ideas and want to do more of the same we are in even more trouble than we are experiencing now.

    Why are republicans afraid of change? I am willing to let a young, intelligent, and determined man try to do an almost impossible job to turn this country around. For that we need fresh faces, great energy and a we can do it attitude.

    Please, show that there is some intelligence out there and people can actually distinguish between being snowed by the same old or trying to go into the future!

  10. short answer yes

  11. ****no

  12. Obama/Biden 2008!

  13. No I do not accept that.

  14. No! A fame hungry diva is exactly what he is!  

  15. I dont think Obama is fame-hungry.  Both candidates are equally qualified as their are only two qualifications to run for president.  You must be a natural born citizen and at least 35 years old.

    The issue is which candidate will best help solve your problems.  Since McCain didnt mention health care, prescription drugs or the problems of the middle class, I will go with Obama.

  16. No he is not qualified at all.  He can write a good speech but that is about it.

  17. He is certainly the best qualified.  John McCain is a senile old man.

  18. no....

  19. Yes!  And a lot of people I know are voting for him.  People I never thought would vote for him are now going to do just that.

    I took a big group of my daughter's friends to register to vote today and they all voting for Obama!

    Vote Obama '08!!!!!!!!

  20. NOPE!!!

  21. ok if your gonna argue that obama should be president you need to not bring up the word "Qualified" because he is in no way "qualified" i asked that question last week and no one gave me one reason that he is qualified  

  22. Yes. The qualifications of all Republicans have been put into question looking at the state of the union. If McCain were elected, who would he tap for the top spots? The best in the land? The brightest in the country? No, he'd put in his old (and I do mean 'old') Republican pals and we'll have four more years of disaster.

  23. I do  ! Palin is the a fame-hungry diva!

    Go Obama/Biden

  24. No.

  25. No!

  26. Nope I do not accept that pontification at all!  

  27. not at all..perhaps for umm umm umm ummm some small unnamed island in the atlantic..but for the united states of America

  28. hahahahahahaha.. hahah.  Man, that was funny!!!  I've never had such a laugh in my life.  

  29.    NO.

  30. Even a lot of Democrats agree that McCain has more experience than Obama. Obama is just a rockstar who pretends to be qualified to be President. I thought it was insane of him to criticize Palin for her "lack of Experience", yet she has more executive experience than Obama and has a very high approval rating as a governor in Alaska.

  31. negative

    not even if I was paid to believe it....

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