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which phone should i get?

1. lg viewty

2. lg prada

I really need help!! have you heard anything about either? I think i want

the viewty coz it's newer & better but do you think it's ugly?!?!


kath xx




  1. welp, second one, and if u drop it it doesnt always break. i dropped my nintendo ds b4 so many times, and it still works fine, i would definetly get # 2 its more modern

  2. my moms friend dropped the touch screen one and it got all messed up. the first one is better. i heard the touch screen one can get messed up really easily and you have to be very careful with it. its better to go with the first one. it looks tighter anyways

  3. 2nd lg prada is hot chick  

  4. 2 ... its prettier

  5. heard better things about the view. but the Sprint Instinct is nice, I have it...and it is cheaper monthly payments than verizon. i would invest in a case for any touchscreen phone because the screens get damaged easily. You could pay for insurance every month on it too if you want.

  6. The Prada definately, amazing phone, amazing name.

    In today's day & age the name is all that matters, as long as it can do basic functions of course.

  7. I like the second one more.

  8. 1st

  9. 2nd

  10. Get the LG Dare its the **** i just got it

  11. i like the 2nd one more

    mine please!;...

  12. i would say second

    it depends on the strength of the glass

    if it is to thin or not strong enough then the glass will break

  13. the 2nd one looks nicer, but it sounds like the 1st will probably last i'd say go w/ the 1st one

  14. The first one.

  15. Yes, the first phone is ugly looking.

    Unless you dropped it hard it would probably only scratch the touch screen, no major damage.

  16. I like the Prada better.

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