
♥ Barrel Racing!♥?

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I have 2 horses Mister and Zippy. Mister is 16 and coming back from an injury but dont get me wrong here because he acts like a year old colt!!! he is a thoroughbred if that tells you anything! he got kicked by a pregnant mare and broke a piece of hip bone off. I was crushed.. and hadnt had him for 2 days before that happened. he was my first horse. He Was a track racer for NTRA and retired from the track to be a barrel racer. so I am just putting him back on the barrels and he kicks BUTT! he is sweet. Let me clear this out for you... it may sound like he's old but he's always raring and giving cowbucks out of so much excitement. I need to know now that you understand what happened... How can i Tune up his barrel performance? he may be great now but you can tell he's a bit rusty... how can i tune up or refresh his memory of barrel racing. he does flying lead changes everytime around a barrel and switches leads going off the barrel just needs more work on sharper turns. thanx ... ♥♥♥♥




  1. dont push too much, just do a little each day, first walk a set of barrels get him used to them, go on a trail,next day trot around them and push him harder, make sur u use ur hands and feet, always reward him and dont spend more than 10 min each day on barrels, he'll get there again, trust me

  2. I bet. I rode a 21 year old horse in barrels for a month or two. She always placed.

    As for your turns, take them slow. Do whatever (walk, trot, lope...) between the barrels, but slow him down before the turn. Then, really focus on his bending around the barrel, your sitting back, and his nose in. Give him a pocket as you approach the barrel, then go around and cut in tight on the other side.

    Good luck!

  3. With him already having the injury I wouldnt recommend putting him back in full time unless you have the vet to confirm that he will be ok.  If you do put him back in I would start out slow.  Maybe just lead him or lunge him with and without saddle and then when you get on him I would just take it easy and walk at first and then work your way back up.

  4. lung hime before you ride him it will get and walk him around the barrels and trot with the lead and walk the pattern trot and so on it will take time

  5. i wouldn't because once a horse has an injury it is just plain mean to ride it again cuz that bone will be very very fragile!

  6. take it a little bit at a time each day

    walk him through the pattern then trot him then push him harder as you go

  7. If you want more turn you need to do A LOT of side to side flexing first. Get a good shape on him at the walk first and make sure he holds that rib out. Get that shape first THEN go to a barrel and always start slow. Do a lot of different circles and reverse arcs around the barrels. Switch it up so he doesn't get bored. Do enough of this and you will see him really hunt that barrel and dig in there and around it. You can never do enough circles or flexing! Especially with an x-racer. Good luck!

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