
• Why is the media not covering Obama’s demand for reparations?

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• Why is the media not covering Obama’s demand for reparations? Obama as Prez w/be a disaster. Obama’s just come out for reparations on top of stimulus pymts; higher welfare; etc... Where’s he getting the money from? Here’s the quote: "I consistently believe that when it comes to whether it's Native Americans or African-American issues or reparations, the most important thing for the U.S. government to do is not just offer words, but offer deeds." Here’s the source:




  1. They know that the subject of reparations is a very touchy one with most Americans.  I mean where do you start and where do you end.  Not all the Blacks in this country have slavery in their personal history and most white people have never had a slave owner in their personal history.  Meanwhile the Native American population has been mistreated for far longer than the Blacks and yet they do not consistently cry racism and ask for special treatment.  What amount could you put on having your entire land taken from you.  So, again, the media protects the messiah from himself.

  2. but they are, I'v seen it myself on CNN.

  3. I hate socialism almost as much as I hate war. If he can get us out of the "wars on terrorism" and give the money to people in America then I will make more money. The federal government is going to spend more and more money every year. The war is destroying the USA. When is somebody in Washington think maybe we are causing the problems. If we just bring all our troops home from Europe,Japan and other parts of the world we can save BILLIONS of dollars a month. Give it to poor people who will buy spinners for their cars, cell phones for there 8 year old kids and fast food (except in L.A.). Give it to them so the trickle economy will work. I need to make more money, I don't care what happens to people in Iraq. Would they care what happens to me?

  4. You know, life for WHITES was not a bed of roses during slavery.  It's not like they had microwaves, running water, cars, TV, fast food and air conditioning.  Blacks need to move on with their lives and come into the 21st Century.

    Did you know that BLACKS owned slaves during the period of slavery?  Negroes owning slaves.  Now isn't that a hoot?

  5. Barack Hussein Obama is an elitist. Look how he holds his head with his chin up in the air & his head in that holier-than-thou position. He is no better than Rev Jeremiah Wright, Louis Farrakhan, and that ilk.

    Besides reparations, on affirmative action - on ABC’s Sunday morning show with George Stephanopoluis, Obama proudly states he’s a lifelong believer in affirmative action. Any white, hispanic, and asians will be disadvantaged. That’s just a fact.

  6. Because the Media aka News reporters

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    Don't know what the word



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    And win someone don't  no  what a word meens they doesn't mess with it

    .. .. ..

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