
*♥What does a friend mean to you♥*?

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*♥What does a friend mean to you♥*?




  1. A good friend is a gift that means the world to me. I miss having a best friend right now in my life. I have moved and don't see my friends and we have grown apart. We talk on e-mail once a month or so.

  2. a friend is someone who will keep your secrets and does'nt ***** behind your back and call everyone horrible things

  3. A friend to me is someone that like the same stuff

    thats wat a true friend is to me

  4. what is this freind thing every body is talking about?

  5. BFF- butt fucin friends

  6. Someone who comes out for a beer with me every weekend until he meets a girl and then stops calling.

  7. friend means to me a person you can rely in and trust and is always there for you. some one who makes you laugh can keep your secrets and have something in common with. :)

  8. When the chips are down and you know that a true friend will help you out, come what may!!!

  9. Well there nice to me we like alot of the same things and they have great poeple that they show and are inside!

  10. To me a freind is a guy or girl that I can share my feelings with.

  11. To me a friend is someone you can totally trust and rely on.  You can have differences of opinions and different callings, but also have interests in common.  A friend is someone who does not turn their back on you, especially when you need them most.  If there should be a falling out between you, for whatever reason, friends will resolve it.  A friend will not turn their back on you without you knowing why.  If it is because of what someone else has told them, they will find out your side.  If a friend betrays you, don't let it happen again.A true friend is a treasure you hold dear in your heart, always.

  12. says that a friend is"a person who is on good terms with another; a person who is not hostile".

    but i think a friend truly is someone you can just be yourself around. someone you could just pour out your thoughts and feelings to. someone who will always be there for you whenever you need them most. someone who will not always have the best things to say when you have a problem but they're always there to at least listen. and i am happy to say that i have a GREAT friend like this!!


  13. Someone you can have laugh with, talk to about stuff, share your problems with, go out places with, help each other out etc.

  14. Friend is someone that will not let you down... you will actually know what is friend in times of trouble..

  15. A friend to me is a person that is there for you through the good times and bad times. They are always just a phone call away. You can tell them your deepest and darkest secrets and know they will understand them and you as a person. It's a person you can laugh with, have fun, cry with, and talk to and they know that if they had any problems,  they could do the same with you. You are always there for each other regardless of anything. Always and forever, true blue you remain with each other, be it with a female or male best friend. It is always nice to have a friend of the opposite s*x too. I have one and it is nice to get a guys point of view too.

  16. a friend is someone to go to when you feel that no one else will understand.  Also, a friend is someone you can choose, unlike your family.

  17. Words can not describe it. I am 37 and have been friends with someone since I was 12. She knows me better than I know myself and I love her

  18. everything

  19. i honestly haven't had a true friend for 3 years

    so i have no idea

    i forgot



  20. a part of everything?:)

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