
♥awww he loves me! or does he?

by  |  earlier

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is it just me or do most guys say i love yu just to get a certain something from women...

girls, dont u feel wonderful when a guy says i love yu?

but have u evr thought there just toying with ur emotions?




  1. Guys say I love you for two reasons. One - theyre trying to get some lovin, or two they actually feel love for you.

    If the guys got a history of plenty of girls, then he probably is looking for something other than a relationshuip. If he has a generally clean past, then he means well.

    Ive got friends like both these stereotypes so Im something of an expert on this. :)

  2. yeah i love it when guys say "i love you" it's cute aha

    toying with my emotions or not, i just say "i love you" back to them and SMILE(:

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