
=0 i singed him an affidavit and its a lie.?

by  |  earlier

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okay. my ex really really hurt me, like he put me in the hospital with a fractured left jaw and a concusion with also multiple bruises, i called the cops he was locked up n bailed out the next morning, he called me about 3 days later stating that he was going too kill himself if he went too jail along with a guilt trip on me about HIS daughter, i grew up practically without a dad n i neevr want n e child feeling the way i do, so i wrote him an affidavit that was completely false and i really want to get it changed... HOW DO I GET IT CHANGED?... and WHAT DO I TELL THEM?




  1. an affidavit is not just a writing.  you take oath upon the truth and authenticity about what there is in the document....

    it's like when you sit at the bench of testimony....

    they both amnmount to perjury.

    it's a criminal offence punishable with imprisonment...

    there are conditions at law which you can prove before to annul like violence, threat, coercionetc...

    for the sake of your children and yourself, before you do anything talk to a good lawyer...

    and next time before you go letting a person out of jail after he has used physical violence, just think about the repercussions.  especially if he has done it various times....

    think that the day after it could be your son or daughter... I understand your concern you know your husband best but you also should know that children especially if they are young and he beatyou in front  of them will not want their dad around much.. talk to your children.

    if you need any further detail re legal situation private msg

  2. You go to whoever you gave this affidavit to (police, prosecutor etc) and tell them you no longer support the affidavit, and would like to rescind it.  If they ask why, tell them you had a concussion, and weren't thinking straight.  Tell them about the threats he made to you.

    Do this as SOON as you can.  Seriously - the longer this goes on, the harder it will be to stop.

    Remember for next time, he was just playing you, guilting you into letting him off the hook for his abusive behaviour.  He does it because it gets results (you're only the most recent example, I 'm sure).

    Good luck in dumping this creep.  You and your kids deserve much more.

  3. Go to the police or who ever's handling the case and just tell them the truth.

    They can put him on suicide watch in jail for the threat and for his little girl, i also grew up without a dad so i know how that is, but she would be placed with a family (mom and dad) that would take good care of her. What if later in life, she makes a mistake and makes her dad mad and he takes his anger out on her? If she's placed with a different family, she has a better chance at life

  4. Sounds like you need to get a backbone girl!

    Let me tell you something about single parenthood and what I know. My dad was a piece of **** woman abuser like your ex. When my mom finally got enough backbone to leave his loser *** it was the best thing she EVER did.

    If she would have kept him around I would have been raised around a good for nothing woman abuser, and I am sure your man has a lot more flaws than just that! I am 100% happy that my mom left him. I would much rather be raised by a single mom than in a household like that.

    You need to call the prosecutors office and tell them what you have done so you can send him to jail. And next time he complains that he is going to kill himself if he has to go to jail, tell him it will be alright they'll take his shoelaces so he won't have to hang himself >_>

    GOOD luck!

  5. My answer will not the other entry that you posted...

  6. Once again, tell them the truth.

  7. Go to the local police department. File a restraining order.  While you're at it, rescind your statement.  When asked why, you say you signed it under mental and emotional duress, fearing retaliation.  Just a word of caution:  you may be slapped with a charge against you for perjury, however, which would you rather take?  Another slap in the face by someone you've put your trust into, or a slap on the wrist for supporting your abuser?  Oh, and if he tries that suicide threat bs his bluff and say, "Before you do the world a favor, sign over your rights to me for (daughter's name) so that she can finally be loved and cared for the way God intended her to be."  He won't kill himself.  It's just a tactic abusers use to regain control through guilt.  Darling, he's in a bad place in his life.  He latched on to you long enough to bring you down with him into his spiral of despair.  He needs rehabilitative and psychological help, and frankly, so do you.  Take it from someone who's been on your path.

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