
000-012-3456 caller! help!?

by  |  earlier

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for the past 4 nights people from the number 000-012-3456 have been calling me house between the hours of 2 and 4am. these calls keep waking up my entire family, including my parents. the callers tell my parents that "i am high on LSD passing out on the streets and trying to work a corner, they also go on to say i am a s**t and sleep with everyone." and things like "do you know where your daughter is? ido" . of course my parents are not pleased to recieve these phone calls considering i am only 15. i also do not know these people because they have thick western accents and i am from canada. please help and tell me who these people are and if there is any way i can block this number, they are starting to ruin my life! the calls have gotten so bad that we have started taking the phone off the hook at night. when we go to put it back on the next morning we have up to 65 voice mails from them!! please gelp these people are so creeepy!




  1. its using skype calling you!!

    many ppl use it to prank and its very rude!

    there is only one thing you can do, get a caller-ID put in the number to be blocked, and it works.....!

  2. Caller ID's with 000-012-3456 are generally for sure Skype calls (unless the caller is using caller ID spoof to that number).

    If you don't mind upgrading your phones to the newest Panasonic DECT 6.0 phones, they have two cool features that I think is really great.

    The first feature is called "Night Mode".  Just input the times that you are generally in bed, and your phone will not ring during those hours.  I use this feature.  We go to bed early and don't like to be wakened by wrong number calls in the middle of the night.

    The second feature, that you will like is called "Block Calls".  Here you can input the Caller ID of the numbers you do not want your phone to ring from.

    The Panasonic model I am referring to, and using, is the KX-TG9312C DECT 6.0.  It is a 2 phone model, but you can get it in 3 and 4 phone models too.  It's available in most stores that sell cordless phones.

    If you are looking to upgrade you phones, this may be a good choice that will also solve your night time phone call problems.

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