
08 kawasaki mean streak pricing

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i'm about to go buy me a new 08 mean streak, but i want to know how much you think i can talk down the dealer.. the special edition i want is 11299, but it's already august and it won't be long before 09 model bikes come out.. so just let me know how much i should go in telling them i would pay for it!! also how much would insurance and everything be a month?? everything total??




  1. Check this out. This dealer has them marked down to $8,999. That may be a good bargaining tool. Good luck. Awesome bike by the way.

  2. for some strange reason dealers want top-high prices for the Kawasaki Mean Streaks,  both new and used.

    its not that great or wonderful of a bike, its an old school design, Suzuki dropped the M95 in 2005, ( the M95 is the same bike )

    the bike is slow and heavy, it uses tube tires, spoked wheels, brakes no good, it uses a carb and choke and its really made bare bones, cheap and generic

    a much better choice would be the Yamaha Warrior

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