
08 ninja 250r question?

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ok so this summer i got a ninja 250R for my 18th birthday, i have never riding a motorcycle before and this is the only way i could get on if it was a 250, I like the bike but i hate the way the bike makes the rider sit, yes i understand its a beginner bike, but is there anyway i could lower the handle bars so they are into the bike like that of a zx-10 or sumtihn? you know so I'm not sitting straight up. Thanks




  1. you are very lucky to get one of these for your birthday. learn on it for awhile then sell it and get what you want. the 2008 model has a high resale value!

  2. You're barely learning how to ride. The least you should worry about is how the sitting position looks. Just learn and then buy a bigger bike once you have a year or two of expirience

  3. I understand that at 18 you are into popularity and looks and being cool but trust me the ladies don't care how you sit. You're on a cool sport bike so you're cool. You knew well ahead of time that if you got an imitation sport bike there would be some drawbacks. Well one drawback is you ride upright.

    Don't worry about it. get you skills up, then trade it in for a real sport bike.

  4. You might be able to get lower bars. See a dealer. However, you probably want to wait until you know what you are doing. I know you already think you do, but you might not! You need to be upright to see, and have proper leverage. That's a great bike and I hope you thank your parents often. What a great gift!

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