
09/11 Conspiracy theories ?

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What are some? I'm interested.




  1. Some people believe that the Easter Bunny was mad at Santa Claus because he always stole his thunder.

    To get back at him, the Easter Bunny blew up the WTC and the Pentagon.

  2. the Kennedy's did it;  revenge for jack

  3. Here is the MAIN one :

    The REAL rulers, of the whole world, are causing all the troubles that we see and read about, to bring in the Beast, and Mark.  All other theories are based on this.

  4. Conspiracy is in the eye of the beholder. One person's coincidence is another person's conspiracy. Facts however are just that facts, and that is the fact(s) and that is all there is to it!!!!


    On August 20, 2001 the U.S.House Judiciary Committee issued the report entitled:



  5. Some say the government knew about the plot and let it happen so they exploit fear and go to war in Iraq.  I've even had to sit and listen to people claim it was the US government itself that was behind the actions of 911.  Isn't there medications that can help these people?

  6. insurance claims?

  7. Fahrenheit 9/11

    I for one think this guy is really ridiculous and a radical.  But, if you haven't already watched it, here's another point of view.  I think it goes to extremes, so be prepared.  But some people really believe this.

  8. A variety of conspiracy theories question the mainstream account of the September 11, 2001 attacks in the United States. These theories assert that the official report on the events is not sufficiently forthcoming, thorough or truthful. Many critics allege that individuals in the government of the United States knew of the impending attacks and intentionally failed to act on that knowledge. Some critics state that the attacks could have been a false flag operation carried out by high-level officials in the U.S. government who may have engaged compartmentalization to keep knowledge of their actions limited. The common suspected motives were the use of the attacks as a pretext to justify overseas wars, to facilitate increased military spending, and to restrict domestic civil liberties.

  9. Wikipedia has good information about 9/11 conspiracy theories.  

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