
1/4 of U.S.A. Girls Have Sexually Transmitted Diseases?

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According to todays CNN news report, 1/4 of all sexually active girls in the US have at least one STD and amongst the black population the figure is 1/2 girls.

These figures are worst than most third world countries.

Why doesn't the U.S. take care of its own kids?




  1. isn't it nuts!  girls ages 16-24 are the fastest rising group of HIV in the nation.  the problem is that girls either don't know where to get help, or don't get it for who really knows why.  Planned Parenthood, and many other clinics will give out condoms, std testing, birth control, support groups etc... there is allot out there, girls just don't utilize it.  i have a friend who has not been back to the gyno since her son was born 3 years ago, she is more than old enough to know better.  she has s*x with a few guys and doesn't ever use any protection with any of them!!  she is lucky she hasn't gotten anything yet, and even luckier that she is not pregnant.  she has the knowledge, i provide it if she doesn't, i've offered to take her to planned parenthood to get condoms, she is educated, she has all the resources, and yet still takes that risk evrytime.  her other best friend and i are very level headed, we are all over 25, we get up her buitt about it like you would not believe, and it doesn't do any good.  the problem for once isn't totally the government.  (although it would be nice if i could get my Birth control free, i pay 70 a month, and i'm broke!)  half the problem is ignorance to the programs out there, the rest of the problem is that you can lead a horse to water......... well you know the rest.  mothers should be more pro-active, i was asked at 15 if i wanted to go to the gyno, my mother took me there, some girls aren't that lucky, but the info is there for the taking, in a world of internet tech, there is no excuse for ignorance.

  2. Does not surprise me...our next door neighbors eleven year old looks like a street walker hooker going to school and the parents don' t  get it..

  3. are YOU going to make the kids stop having s*x?  why don't you run for surgeon general, then you can criticize.

  4. America can't take care of the teenagers, because we really in a way do what we want to do. If a girl and a guy want to have s*x, 7 out of 10 chance they will find a way to have s*x. I think it has more to do with the girls. Where I live in Akron Ohio alot of girls realy just don't have respect for themselves, so have s*x just to have s*x. It's sad because I really don't want a girl like that but most guys just live up to the bad standard that men have of that we will have s*x with any girl who will open her legs. Girls, and boys spread STDs everyday, we as teenagers just need to start making wiser decisions on who we have s*x with.

  5. The family remains the strongest social unit in most Third World countries.  The US has been on a downward path when in comes to traditional family values for over 40 years.  This is probably the main reason for increased sexual activity among single people.  In addition, most of these young people are having unprotected s*x.

    I wonder how many boys in the same age group have STDs as well.  I would think the rate would be comparable.

  6. I'd like to know how many boys have it, I doubt its just the young L*****n community that's spreading these diseases. Its OK and even promoted for a guy to have many s*x partners and boys are learning that young. Lets teach all of our children some self respect. Our children are told in school that s*x is bad bad BAD! But here, in our media that's all we hear about; s*x appeal, who made the latest tape, etc.

    Many teens also don't know that oral and anal s*x can result in catching STDs and they need to know that. You really can't stop all of America's teens from having s*x, what we need is better, not more, but better education. I have taken numerous health classes in school and I can tell you I didn't learn much and it was boring. It really didn't make me or anyone else pay attention. Along with the school, I also think its the parents job to monitor their kids and at least talk to them about these STDs and STIs.

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