
1.5 billion in grants for Planned Parenthood?

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I've seen some questions regarding what would theoretically happen if abortion became illegal.

Take Planned Parenthood... over the past seven years, they made over $350 million in profits. In that time period, they received nearly $1.5 BILLION in government grants.

Now, imagine if ALL of that government money was RE-DIRECTED (after abortion is theoretically outlawed) to service and aid programs for pregnant women in need, education on pregnancy and development, as well as education on safe and effective birth control options.

I see that as making a huge difference.

It would be a massive project, and take a lot of work- so, I think that it would be a 10 year transition until abortion could literally be outlawed.

We have the funds- they just need to be redirected to actually benefit the women and their unborn.

SO - what do you think? Are you upset that your tax money is spent on PP? Would this be a good alternative?

Let the tongue-lashing begin... :)




  1. The money going towards Planned Parenthood is probably already going towards the things you've mentioned. Maybe the clinics in your area are different, but my local PP seems to direct most of its efforts towards education regarding birth control, and offering doctor's services other than abortion (pregnancy tests, pap smears, STI tests, pelvic exams). They're mostly known around here for providing heavily subsidized birth control. They also have information about parenthood and adoption.

    I've talked to some PP employees and it sounds like abortions make up only a very small part of all the services they provide. I'm very glad to put my tax dollars towards Planned Parenthood, because their emphasis is already on education and the prevention of pregnancy, but they still provide the option of abortion if completely necessary.

  2. I think what would happen is an increase in the amount of miserable women and unwanted children. I would also think that it would not stop abortion, but it would risk the lives of many women who need them because back-alley and unsafe at-home abortions would occur at a higher rate. A woman who needs an abortion knows it in the very core of her being and will do anything to stop the pregnancy  if that means risking her life, breaking arbitrary laws or even committing suicide.

    Planned Parenthood is not only an abortion clinic, but they also educate women on pregnancy, do prenatal care and adoption counselling and referal. They also have contraceptives, sexually transmitted infection testing and treatment and provide many women with their regular gynecological check ups.

    I do agree that education about sexual health and pregnancy (including abortion) should be more freely available, but making abortion illegal is just plain wrong. The fact that this issue is still argued about makes me sick thinking about the ignorance and damage done by pro-lifers.

  3. "to service and aid programs for pregnant women in need, education on pregnancy and development, as well as education on safe and effective birth control options."

    The government and charity organizations already have a TON of money in all of those programs. I actually did a research paper about abortion legislation. There's absolutely no excuse for a woman or man upwards of the age of 13 in our society to not know she should be using a condom. Especially in public school. Also, PP will talk to anyone who comes in for a consultation for an abortion about all of those other options.

    So no, it would not make much of a difference. And abortion is not going anywhere, regardless. It would be a huge strain on our society. I think it's a positive thing that all of these programs and options, including abortion, exist.

    Edit: Robert G: It's called pro-CHOICE. Not pro-"get an abortion, it's your only option." There is no one who is going to argue with charities helping pregnant women who choose to keep their child. Also, if you had thought about WHY there is a disparity between the two fundings, you would have realized that an abortion is a complicated medical procedure. That's expensive. If you are alleging that the government should give equal funds to organizations with no intention of providing that service, while others will give all options, it does not make much sense. And there is a lot of money in education initiatives. Statistics show, however, s*x-ed which teaches abstinence have a far greater rate of teenage pregnancy than others.

    Edit: " that 3 out of 1000 women counseled at PP chose adoption in a given year."

    That seems grossly exaggerated, I'd appreciate it if you cited the source. Anyways, I acknowledge it's a low number, but that's because this is 2008 and women know their options. They don't need to be told while visiting an organization that provides abortions that adoption is also a possibility. I'm guessing most of them have already weighed their options long before a consultation.

  4. Take a look at PP's budget at - the money is being spent on service and aid programs.

    Contraception = 38%

    STD testing and treatment = 29%

    Cancer Screening and Prevention = 19%

    Other Health Services (primarily prenatal tests) = 10%

    Abortion Services = 3%

    That whopping 3% of their budget being redirected won't do much.  It also wouldn't make a dent in the money needed to deal with women crippled by illegal abortions and the money needed to lock up those who killed or abused their unwanted children, or mental health services for women who were survivors of forced pregnancies.  There would be a rise in suicide attempts and self-mutilation, which would cost money to deal with, and a huge spike in mental illness and PTSD.

  5. Its not a bad thing. Better that than tax dollars going to every teen mother on welfare

  6. When will you people get over your high and mighty selves? Get your hand out of my cervix your not wanted.  Does it suck that 1.5 billion went to planned parenthood? Yes but whether the money goes to abortion or to the foster system matter to you? If you don't want an abortion don't get one.

  7. "Are you upset that your tax money is spent on PP?"

    Not in the slightest. Planned Parenthood does offer counseling about safe and effective birth control options. It also offers routine medical care for women and girls who need it. It also offers abortions for women who need them. No birth control method or education is ever going to be completely effective.

  8. IT always makes me roll my eyes and scoff a little when i hear all of the people get up in arms about the amount of money donated to Pro-life charities when the amount spent on Pro-abortion organizations dwarves it

    Amanda- what does that have to do with what i just said?

  9. planned parenthood does so much more than abortions.

    they DO provide low cost & free birth control & birth control information, family planning, and std testing & treatment. they provide free pregnancy tests. i went there to find out if i was pregnant (when i was TTC) as do my friends. we also went there to get BC before we were ready to have kids.

    so try & inform yourself of actual facts before jumping to conclusions.

  10. If abortion was outlawed, it would cost a heck of a lot more money to take care of all the children as a result of fewer abortions, and all the problems from illegal abortions.

    either way that money is going to be used.

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