
1.A block is pulled along a rough horizontal surface by a horizontal string.?

by Guest60122  |  earlier

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If the string pulls the block at a steady speed and does work of 100 J in moving the block of distance of 5 m, find the tension in the string.

2. How to find more information on Materials Selection Chart and Materials in the Real World.




  1. Figure the free space vector diagram  

    You Need:


                Materials of contacting surfaces

                Friction coefficient for each

                 Force of Friction

                 Angle of pull h respect with horzontal

                 Mass of cart

  2. work = force * distance

    100J = T * 5m

    T = 20N

  3. Your working equation is

    Work = Force * Distance

    Force = net force acting on the block

    and if you draw a free body diagram, the net force

    F = T - f


    T =  tension in the string

    f = frictional force acting against the block (since block is on a rough horizontal surface)

    By definition,

    f = (mu) * mg


    mu = coefficient of friction

    m = mass of the block

    g = acceleration due to gravity = 9.8 m/sec^2 (constant)


    f = (mu)(m)9.8 = 9.8(mu)(m)


    100 = [T - 9.8(mu)(m)](5)

    T = 100/5 + 9.8(mu)(m)

    T = 20 + 9.8(mu)(m)

    To determine the actual value of T, two factors need to be known, i.e., the coefficient of friction (mu) and the mass of the block.

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