
1. Does anyone know any ligitimate website to make money online?

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Hi, I'm a mom looking to make extra income from home. Can anyone help? Do you know any work at home website that really pays?




  1. try this guide it is easy way to make money online free. you will love it and find it useful to make money Please do read

  2. I think you should try this website. I made 73$ in two days. The best site i've dealt with. It's legit. Go to this link and create free account: www. AWSurveys .com /HomeMain.cfm?RefID=jlen

  3. if u r a serious investor......i can give u guidence to trade in forex market.....visit my blog and make a contact okay.

  4. Read my article at the link below.  I have listed several ideas and resources to make money.  I hope it is very helpful.

  5. There are a lot of sites out there that are scams. I have gone through many and have found tons that don't work, but I finally have found some that work for me.

    I have had a lot of success by just using my computer whenever I can, such as in the in the morning before I go to work or instead of doing whatever I decide to do in my spare time, I will get online to make some extra cash. All I do is complete a few surveys/offers a day and it makes money for me. Not enough to get you out of debt or anything like that, but it will help with the bills or gas money.

    Things that seem too good to be true usually are. For example, if you have ever seen advertisements that claim "You are the 1,000,000th visitor" or "Congratulation! you have been selected to receive two free I-pod Nanos. Just Click Here!" and actually clicked on them only to find out you have to put more in to it than you get out of it, you have been a victim of a scam. DON'T CLICK ON THOSE! ... but with these free survey ans offer sites, it's not the case.

    You can't make millions from these sites, but you can make as much money as you put effort into it. If your a hard enough worker you might even get paid the equivalent of a medium-wage job.  Give it a shot, there's nothing to lose and no start up costs. (The ones that do have start-up costs ARE most likely scams, DON"T REGISTER FOR THEM!, I have and they kept claiming stuff like, "Were sorry, your check got lost in the mail and can't be replaced." or some bullsh*t like that)

    Here's some of the sites that I have found to be very much profitable. Beside each site I will tell you what they have to offer. I will usually make between $100 - $150 for each of them a month. Most of them accept PayPal, but all of them can just send you a check once a month through mail if you choose instead of PayPal:

    (offer site, payout is on the 20th of every month)

    (survey site, best paying site on the web)

    (offer and survey site, payout is on the 15th of every month)

    (offer and survey site, also you get up to 20% cash back for shopping through their website)

    (a clone website of the site above, same owner)

    Now you must be wondering how can these sites afford this? Well, what happens is These big companies will actually pay for your opinion on things. Now, does this mean you can just call there 24 hour customer service hotline and ask, "Hey, I will tell you what I think of you products if you give me five bucks... what do ya say?"... The answer: NO! They will probably hang up on you. But, that doesn't mean they won't pay you for your opinion on their products/services... They need a middle man. And that is exactly what the sites I listed above are, a middle man.

    So what happens is these big companies might pay the site, 10 dollars for every person that completes their survey. And in order for to get their money from the big company, they will offer, say 5 dollars, for you to complete the survey, which in turn leaves 5 dollars profit for them. Understand now? Hope so. If you don't, look at the example below.

    Yesterday I took a survey from the middle man site, I received 20 dollars for my efforts. The big company gave 40 dollars to offer me, the consumer, their survey so the company could get my opinion. (The survey was actually about the upcoming movie "Speedracer" apparently they wanted my opinion on what the DVD cover should look like. How cool is that! ;-P ...)

    Anyway, what happened in the end was:

    The company paid 40 bucks and got a consumers opinion.

    The middle-man site got 20 bucks profit.

    And, I got 20 bucks.

    Well, I hope this helped and good luck on making some serious cash!

  6. I've been using a website for a while now and I'm extremely happy with it.  It won't make you millions overnight, but it's certainly a nice way to make some extra cash.  It never fails to pay on time and as promised.  I've been using the site for almost a year now, and they've never failed to deliver the check, as promised, on time.  It is an excellent way for anyone who is interested in earning a decent pay check, whether you have 10 minutes or 5 hours a day to use it.  The link is below.  Enjoy making your money, and, remember, keep motivated!


  7. Juana W,

    There are many ways to make money online.  The real trick is sorting out the legitimate money-makers from all the scams that are out there.

    There's a terrific list at eHow that gives more than 20 ways to make money online, everything from writing (articles, blogs), to photography, to (believe it or not) online jury duty and focus groups.  

    There's even a site for making money listening to music and rating it, and another for playing online games.

    The list is updated regularly.  Check it out at:

    How to make money on the internet, scam-free

    Many sites have an age limit for earning cash, so you should carefully check each site to see if you can join, or else get an adult to help you sign up.

    Good luck!

  8. USE FUSIONCASH. Many people who use this site are able to cashout on the first day at $25. It is legit. I have seen people on the forums who've earned over $900 off of this site.

  9. people here said a bunch of ways to make money but wheres the proof they got paid.. see people make money when you make money.. everyone will end up being someones referral! You may not understand that just yet but I will explain later if you want to email me. I will show you a picture I took this morning of my check that came Saturday. It didnt cost anything to start either. Its not alot for me right now but I have done it a couple months and made $130+ dollars so far.. Its completely free to get started and you only nneed to give them a name and address so they can mail your check. check out my blog about it

  10. Here it is


  11. There are many legitimate ways to make money from home and one of these is to become an 'affiliate' for websites that you like. All this means is you set up a blog or many blogs that help to promote the sites, with links to them. If you bring them customers/visitors via your site, you get paid. Some people do this as a full time job and it earns them a full time salary - especially people who promote the online gaming sites.

    You can also allow google ads to be displayed on your blogs and if someone clicks on any of these, you get paid.

    If that doesn't take your fancy, why not have a go at online trading? Millions of people across the world trade the financial markets from home and you don't need a lot of money to get started. There are lots of websites that teach you the basics and you don't have to be a professional city-trained trader to guarantee success.

    Have a look at It has a fun, easy to use game-like trading platform and you can learn and practice trading on live markets with play money. When you are ready to start trading for real, you can invest as little as £1 or a few pennies. You could even become one of their affiliates and earn money that way.

  12. Hello, I want to show you a method how to make tons of cash online for free. It doesn't matter how old you are (could be from 6 to 99 ;)). All you have to do is to visit sponsored sites for a cash reward! If you would like tot try this - visit my blog for more info!

    Also please look at other websites and blogs which will teach you how to earn online

  13. There are plenty of ways to make money online.  What is more important however is how much time you have or what interests you and what you are willing to pursue.  Each way of making money requires a different amount of commitment and in turn offers a different kind of financial reward.  Generally speaking, if it is very easy to start doing and making money from then usually the amount of money you can make from it is very little.  This may not be true for everything, but I am just offering a generalisation.  A few ways to get started making money online are as follows

    Paid To:  Such things as surveys and the like.  You will be paid to fill something out or make a post to a forum.  Very easy to do and the payouts reflect this by being very low.  This may be a good area for a beginner to making money online to get started in.  You can meet other people and expose yourself to new ideas and ways of thinking that you previously were not aware of.

    Freelancing:  This includes pretty much anything where you offer a skill you have as a service to someone else.  Posting to a forum isn't a skill but being able to write good articles or code in a programming language is.  There are many freelancing sites and plenty of work to be found.  Depending on what skill you posses, you may be able to make good money from this.  This may be another area to start in especially if you are good at something such as writing articles (huge demand, pay isn't that great but much better than get paid to sites) or you can setup servers/linux etc.

    Google Adsense:  Includes any other kind of ad service where you get paid for placing an advertisement on your website.  This is usually only good if you already have a website up and running and have plenty of traffic.  You need traffic here to be able to make any amount of considerable money.  While you can start a website from scratch and maybe target high paying keywords, there is a lot of work involved.  If you already have a website this is a good way to make money while you sleep as placing ads on your sites requires you to do nothing other than just maintain and promote your site as you typically do.  Maybe not a good idea for beginners.

    Affiliate Products:  Promote other people's products.  Will involve a little work but you can promote and advertise via many free methods (online classified sites, social networking sites such as myspace) and the money to be made can be good (depending on the payout offered by the affiliate). Promoting affiliate products is very popular as you can make good money if you know what you are doing.  Anyone can get started in this and start promoting today without spending a dime.  I personally would recommend this for beginners as you pay nothing and it can lead onto bigger and better things such as promoting your own products.

    Promote Your Own Product:  This is where the money is, the real money.  You will need your own product, it could be anything, and you will need a list of people to promote it to or have affiliates who will promote your product for you.  There are many ways to promote your own product, by yourself or through affiliates.  By promoting your own product online you stand the best chance of making what I would call REAL money.  It isn't easy to do when compared to other ways of making money online and it can take considerable time before you start seeing any real return.

    These are just a few ideas of how to make money online and there are many many more.  Each one can be twisted and molded to suit your own personality or way of thinking.  My advice for anyone serious about making money online would be to find a forum with like minded people and go one step at a time.  Once you start talking with these people you will learn new things and ways of how to make money.  Start off small and work your way big.  Don't expect to get rich over night.  If you approach making money online like a real business and keep at it, you really can make good money.  Like anything in this world, if you stick at it and are dedicated, it will pay off.  I wish you all the best.

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