
1.Explain in detail with aid of structures why 1-hepatanol is less soluble in water than 1-propanol

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2. explain in detail with aid of reaction equations/schemes why methanol is more toxic than ethanol when consumed




  1. 1) 1-heptanol (CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2CH2CH2-OH) is less water soluble than 1-propanol (CH3CH2CH2-OH) because it has 4 fewer methylene goups (CH2's) in it's makeup. Carbon chains are non-polar and therefore not soluble in polar solvents such as water. Therefore, the longer the hydrocarbon chain, the less soluble the compound will be in water.

    2) Methanol (CH3OH) when ingested in the human body is metabolized to formaldehyde (HCHO) and formic acid (HCOOH) in the liver by enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase. The latter is toxic which causes blindness by destruction of the optic nerve. Methanol ingestion can also be fatal due to its CNS depressant properties in the same manner as ethanol poisoning. It enters the body by ingestion, inhalation, or absorption through the skin.

  2. looking at the overall structures of the two


    CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2CH2CH2OH  the OH group of each, although polar and capable of forming hydrogen bonds with water.note that the heptanol has a much larger hydrophobic tail which cannot form bonds witht the water  so the overall contribution of the OH group in propanol 1 OH/3 CHs  compared to heptanol 1)H/7Hs means that it is more soluble as the OH has more influence in this molecule.

    the first step in metabolizing an alcohol is by alcohol dehydrogenase

    which converts ethanol to acetaldehyde  the acetaldehyde is then converted by aldeyde oxidase to acetic acid which can be metabolized further and is a "normal " constituent of the cells  ( generally as Acetyl CoA).   Methanol , on the other hand is metbolized first to formaldehyde ( a reactive gas that is used in preserving tissues as it FIXES them ) and then to formic acid  whch is a severe irirtant and is the same compound in ants that causes such irirtation in bites. The formaldehyde has a propensity to fix the tissues of the eye casing blindness from consuming methanol

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