
1.) Explain why England did not pose a threat to Spanish imperialism in the Americas in the 1500s.

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  1. In the year 1500 England had a fishing fleet for the North Sea fishery, mainly in coastal waters. And a few private merchant vessels that plied the Baltic trade (which was as far as the English went in those days). The Royal Navy wasn't founded yet.

    Not really something that worried Spain, who had ocean going ships and were setting up colonies in the Americas.

  2. they didn't...

  3. Ability to project power.  Think about it.

  4. Its a very simple answer actually. The reason England did not pose a viable threat the The Spanish Imperialism in the America's is because THEY DID THEIR OWN HOMEWORK. You should try it some time.

  5. They were a couple of thousand miles away from the Spanish settlements in the Southwest... so they probably didn't even KNOW the English were there at that time.  AND... the FIRST English colonies didn't come along until the 1600's... there WERE NO ENGLISH COLONIES in the 1500's

  6. In the 1500s Spain was at the peak of their power, at one point the King of Spain was also the Holy Roman Emperor, King of Naples and Sicily as well as King of Portugal. England did not have the strength in the 1500s to oppose Spain alone and would not until the 1700s.

    This was because Spain used all of their resources towards creating an empire in the Americas and then spent all of the profit gained from the colonies on wars in Europe which gave them a slight edge for awhile. When Britain did fianlly colonize America it was not at the major expense of the countries treasury like Spain but was funded by wealthy merchants.

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