
1. Is there a cure for Dyslexia? Why do dyslexics have superior IQs?

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1. Is there a cure for Dyslexia? Why do dyslexics have superior IQs?




  1. There is no cure for dyslexia. There are strategies and methods to decrease the symptoms of dyslexia. Most believe that dyslexia is just the reversals of letters and numbers but it goes much deeper then that. It affects reading, writing, math, organisation, confusion of left/right and a few others.

    People with dyslexia in general do not have superior IQ's. Since IQ test are a mixture of reading and visual a person with dyslexia if they have learned the strategies can do well OK on the reading pieces. But they struggle with the reading parts of the exam which would bring the score down.

    Where they do typically above average is in the visual pieces of the test. In general they are typically very good at seeing multi-dimensional pictures and are creative.

  2. Dyslexia is being heavily researched by people who understand the reading process.  There have been dramatic breakthroughs over the past few decades.  The earlier children are reached, the sooner interventions can begin.  

    Kids with dyslexia have average to above average IQs but have learned reading strategies that are inefficient which is why they are so prone to spelling and word identification problems.  They are usually poor decoders and disfluent.

    It is not a disease and there isn't an identifiable neurological basis for it.  Reading and spelling problems may persist throughout life, but people with dyslexia learn to manage their struggle with written texts and compensate through other means.

  3. No.  To sum it up, it's a symptom of a wiring problem in our brains.  Letters and words do not correctly link.  A symptom commonly seen is the appearance of the child/person being gifted, however I can't find any valid medical information as to why this is.

  4. No there is no cure of it but they have come up with whys to help children with it. My son can see things in there right Oder on Blue paper.

    I have dyslexics my self, But I do not consider my self slow or below my IQ. I have had an IQ test in College and did score very High on it but I lost most of my parts on the spelling. I can read and under stand all most every thing even Legal Documents that I need to fill out IEP's for my Special Needs Class, as well as Being very good in Math, sci-ens and so-cal studies. Writing and spelling where my only problems I ever had. I did not find out I even had dyslexics To I was 21 years old and I was in College. So yes I feel some people can have high IQ's and still be dyslexics.

  5. "Some disagreement exists as to whether dyslexia does indeed exist as a condition, or whether it simply reflects individual differences among different readers."

    Personally, I believe it is an individual idiosyncracy - but Wikipedia has the straight dope.

  6. No, there is no cure for Dyslexia.  It is a specific learning disorder that is neuro-biological in origin.  One will have difficulty with fluent or accurate word recognition and involves one or many processes involved in using language, both spoken and written, and shows up as an imperfect ability to listen, think, speak, read, write, spell or even math.

    People with dyslexia usually have IQs within the normal range with many also being gifted.  Individuals with dyslexia have to think of strategies to compensate for their difficulties and can be very clever in doing so.

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