
# 1 Reason Why you must Drive and Talk on the Cell at once?

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Why is it that when i Drive the streets of L.A people need to be on their cell phone while driving?

Whats your Excuse?




  1. Because they are selfish and don't care whose life they endanger when they drive.

    There are also many rude people who talk in the stores and restaurants and let me tell you all 'SHUT UP' no one wants to hear you.  Talking about what you are having for dinner or who is sleeping with who is not important it can wait.

  2. we all did fine before cell phones were around. We should be able to drive without one too. It's just one more distraction.  I don't have a cell phone by choice. There is nothing that can't wait until I get home.

  3. I used to do it, but now I realize how dangerous it is. People on cell phones or texting are always the ones that go 10 mph or almost run you off the road by cutting you off. It is scary and I wish every state had a law against it.

  4. I hate people like that too... but I'll admit that I have been guilty of it a couple of times. Sometimes it has to deal with family, you have no time because you are on the way to work, or it might even be an urgent business call...

  5. I am on the road constantly for work and need to be accessible to clients all the time. I do agree that they are a distraction and I try and pull over as often as i can and only occasionally drive while talking.

    I do use hands free so that i am atleast focusing the majority of my energy on driving, as well if it is not an important call i will always call the person back.

  6. Because they feel a need to be seen as important.

  7. i do not but i wonder what those drivers did before the cell phone. i have bluetooth in my car and i do not use that either.

  8. I don't live in LA but I talk on my phone because I get bored on the commute home from work or on long trips. It helps pass the time when I am by myself in the car. And when I get home all my calls are taken care of so I can relax.

  9. Last year someone rear ended my car because he was talking on his cellphone and not paying attention.  It is dangerous.

  10. When I used to commute a lot and it took me an hour to get to work, it was a great way to get back to people who left voicemails.  I'm not doing anything else but look out at the endless line of cars.

    I have a HANDSFREE HEADSET which makes a difference.  I voice dial using my bluetooth.  I keep it short and if the call is too distracting I tell them I'll call them back.  No biggie.

  11. My excuse?  I'm a responsible driver who is capable of holding a conversation while I drive... My Acura has Bluetooth, and I have high performance track experience (which equates to more driving training than most police officers)  I use my head, if I may be distracted by conversation I hang up and call back later.  I keep the conversation quick, to the point, and concise.

  12. People like this p**s me off.  ESPECIALLY the ones (like the poster above) that say they can still drive better than most people while talking on the phone.  You just can't.

    Did you catch the Mythbusters episode where they explored this?  The girl on the phone did much worse than when she was driving drunk.  Scared the bejeebus out of me.

  13. I have a cell phone so I can talk on it when I am on the go. Most of the time when I'm not at home I'm in my car and that is perfect time to answer a phone call.  I don't understand why people say that I never use my cell phone when I drive. That is such a lie! Everyone has done it at least once.

    PS.  I'm also guilty of texting while I drive too. Yes I'm everything that you hate!

  14. :-D I'm very happy to report I don't even own a cell phone, anymore!  I'm free,!  No one can call me and I can actually get some time to myself instead of being "on call". What gets me is the number of families you see together and the family isn't even talking to each other. But they sure have those cell phones to their ears!

    If it's important enough to call me about, you can leave a voice message at my home number. I no longer work, but I learned there's no problem at work that can't wait until 9 AM the next morning...since everyone else we did business with closed the same time we did.

    Ahhh. To be young (well, relatively) and FREE!  It was so liberating to call my cell phone company and tell them I no longer required service.  They tried to give me a lower quote to beat out the competition I was moving my service to, but -- oops -- I wasn't transferring service. I was ending it. Oh, joy!!

    If only the rest of the world would realize we no longer live where we are...we're living in the land of cell phones where we never have to speak to anyone around us. God forbid someone starting a conversation with anyone physically present!  It's so five minutes ago.  Much more reliable to talk over a phone to anyone except the people you are with.

    I live in the Southeast. You can go to Wal-Mart and see everyone in the parking lot talking on a cell phone, whether on their way in or on their way out. And it is so rude to honk at someone while they are backing out of their space while talking on their cell phone. Can't you see someone important is driving here??

  15. they do it everywhere, I got behind some d**n one today who just stopped in the street to send a text.

  16. Most people are bored or stressed,  and being able to multi-task, safely of course,  is great.

    I use a headset.

  17. I'm bored, and it's a great time to catch up on all the phone calls I've missed during the day.

    However, I use a blue tooth.

  18. It's everywhere but not MY car.  If I'm on the road, my phone is turned off (if I forget to turn it off, I ignore it)'s extremely dangerous...........and stupid!!  I agree!! (Florida BTW)

  19. ummm.... i dont do that and u shouldnt eigther... my excuse.. i dont have one since i dont tlk on the cell whiling driving.  no offense but its stupid, wrong, and deadly!

  20. a death wish?

  21. I can dial, talk and still drive better than most people on the road.  Plus, when my pager goes off on the way to work, it's my job - I've got to answer the call.  If traffic is heavy, I will pull over to call someone, though.

  22. well i don't talk n drive but i hate when people do cause they don't pay attention and then cause accidents. especially when they r texting that's even worse!

  23. Idk, but it drives me insane!!!!!

    If anyone out there does that, please STOP!

  24. I don't actually talk on the phone, I just hold my phone up to my ear and pretend like I'm talking so everyone will think I'm cool and look at me and say "wow, look she has a cell phone, she is soooo cooooolllllllllllll" and that is the #1 reason!!!! YEH, cuz I don't really have any friends that would want to talk to me so I just PRETEND like I have alot of friends....yeh, that's it.


  26. Bring in the death penalty for cell phone use behind the wheel.

    (for those of you that do not know, and I am sure there are some, I am kidding.)

  27. My phone while in the car flowchart:

    Receiving calls:

    1.  Am I driving?  

    If no, answer phone, if yes go to 2.

    2.  Am I driving on a highway, or a low-traffic road with few intersections?

    If no then ignore phone, if yes, answer the phone.

    3.  Is the call important?  (Either life-and-death, or instructions on how to get where I'm trying to get to)

    If yes, continue talking.  If no say "I'm driving, I'll call you back."

    The only way to violate this pattern is if I am EXPECTING a call that is important.  And I will hang up on you if you aren't willing to keep it short.  (Some people just don't get it)

    Making calls:

    1.  Am I driving?  

    If yes, do not make call.  If no, do make call.

  28. FIRST, I am quite capable of driving AND talking at the same time. I do it all the time because I am the "go-to-guy" when there are business decisions that must be made without delay. People call me constantly, so stopping the car every time would mean STAYING stopped. (not an option)

    The law restricting cell phone use does not take effect in California until 7-1-08 anyway, so I'll worry about it then.

  29. cuz i'm talking to your wife. she lets me know when ur out so i can go to her house and go bang-bang-boogie

  30. ZOMG. I hate cell phones except when I need it for an emergency. I work at a store and I get customers on the phone who will just NOT hang up. And then they get mad because they didn't get a certain kind of bag or because they left their wallet/purse.

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