
1-Social Audit of Indian Political Parites' 2- Should the manifesto promises b considered Legal promise n sued

by  |  earlier

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when the parties fail to fulfil , achieve or satisfy public expectations ,,, without any reason... and excuse... except the one.. We had no enoght support in parliament to pass the Bill..(This gullibility is rooted in the cause of multi-party rule)

The Award to such parties and leaders of these parties should be strip off their job as punlic representative... for two terms of MP , MLA ,COUSILLOR, etc.

Legal Eagels Your Attention, Please

consider what is the best way to bring these gaming fellows , who form one party and run for few years .. make money, enjoy power , waste tax payer money, do mischief till they are in Power, and Damage the system as well as the image of India.and one fine morning they say we are dissolving this party as we have realized that we should join this xyz party.

or will form the group and resign from the party on whose symbol they came into power .




  1. i agree that the political parties should be sued and jailed for not keeping up the promises in their manifesto,

    then there should be some improvement in our counrty

  2. right, thats the way it should be. But who is going the bell the Cat. any ideas???

  3. Why Not? It may create some employment for retired judges or other to be favoured bureaucrat.

  4. Hey, how many more laws & legislations you want to create???

    There's no use of any social audit or legalizing manifestos, coz it's 'Mera Bharat Mahan' my brother -

    1. The cost of initiating these ideas will run into thousands of crores of rupees & will have to beared by all of us.

    2. No overseeing body/committee can guarantee a fair practice

    3. If there's one new law passed today, there'll be ten new ways to break it tomorrow.

    A moral revolution is needed & not any kind of strictures at this hour. Probably the best solution would be 'Dictatorship'.

  5. Sued by whom if I may ask?

          Rival parties?

          Which party has such clean image? Most of them promise of Bijli Paani and Ghar.

        Better if we start suing the contractors of road building projects if theirs roads cannot hold on for a couple of years.

  6. You change your last name.

    You are in the line.


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