
1. What benefits has global business brought to humanity as a whole?

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How do u guys think? please give me any idea!! thanks@@




  1. I take it the opposite direction of "puzzled" above.  I think it's done wonders for humanity.  It has shared information between cultures that were normally very secluded, and as such has brought "best practices" to center stage.

    While I don't agree with sweatshops, that's only one of hundreds of practices that have been generated from globalization of business, and as a whole, the shift has made the world much more efficient.

    Efficiency in business leads to a greater good for everyone, as areas who normally had to force production for their own consumption in an environment less than optimal for it, can now focus on the goods and services that best suit their situation, and can allow other areas to provide those other goods.  It's a step towards unifying the world and 6 billion people helping each other survive and succeed, rather than a couple million here and there.

    With globalized business, research from all corners of the globe is coming together faster and allowing for much more powerful and ingenius solutions to today's problems.

    It all stems from the thought that "all of us is stronger/smarter/better than any one of us".

  2. Greed and the elimination of the middle class.Lots of US jobs sold oversees. Because the greed of these companies to not pay workers a decent livable wage, but make even more profit. We let other countries sell there good here virtually tariff free and they do not sell or buy our goods and then they slap huge tariffs on it. It is not a fare playing field and the government does not care because they only care for what makes them money not what helps the people who elect them. So social injustice, elimination of the middle class, loss of American jobs because of corporate greed to made even more profits. Oh ya, plus over a 1.2 trillion dollar debt because almost nothing in your house or you buy is even made in the US anymore.

  3. cheap toys from china that contain excessive amounts of lead

  4. None at all! Eventhough we purchase cheap toys, clothing, etc, there are kids and adults in nicaragua, china, taiwan (and more) working for mere cents a day. The money from these products just go into pockets of big CEOs who are opening factories all around the world (contributing largely to global warming and climate change)! However, some companies do help (at a low degree) workers in other countries but it does not balance out the wrongs being done. With all honesty, intelligent civilization is disappearing as we know it unless we all come together and strike some sense into these people (being politicians, company owners and whatnot). I fear that the best we can do at this point is be positive and hope for the best. I do not, however, foresee a change for the better in the near future (eventhough i'm hoping for good change).

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