
1. What is your personal view on hunting? Should people be allowed to hunt for sport? Why or why not?

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1. What is your personal view on hunting? Should people be allowed to hunt for sport? Why or why not?




  1. I hunt for sport all the time. Usually I eat what I kill. Other people hunt for sport, and donate the meat to homeless shelters and soup kitchens. Most times a guy goes on an african safari the meat is donated to the locals. I'm sure every now and then somebody leaves the carcass behind, b ut even then the wild critters eat it. Right now, the Game Commission  estimates there is 25 million deer in the U.S. If people didn't hunt them, you'd not be able to drive down the street without hitting one or they'd starve. Game conservation is a delicately balanced affair. How was that hamburger you ate last night? You mean you're the reason that poor cow was killed, just so you could have a hamburger? Shame on you! If you think for a minute the animals that are farm raised for food are killed in a humane way your a fool . . . how wouldd you like to die by electrocution? And chickens loose ther heads while they'rs still alive, hows that for humane? Oh, while i'm at it, the cost of a deer license is $36.00, pretty cheap for 100 + lbs of meat, see what it costs you in a store

  2. Start with the fact there are more Whitetail deer now than ever, thanks to the anti-hunters, and few wolves anymore. There are so many deer that farmers have to get crop-nuisance permits to slaughter them, to have a crop! If we don't hunt the deer, they will most definitely overrun our crops, and are at it as we speak. Similarly to our hunter progenitors, we must hunt or starve. Funny how that works out. Regards, Larry.

  3. yeah why not? it gives the young bucks a chance to get some

  4. I could understand hunting back in the day when people needed to feed their families....but today you can buy meat in the store far cheaper than you can hunt it down for.....

    I think of it like this...

    In china they boil cats alive

    In Korea they eat dog like we eat cow

    but in America we find it offensive

    isn't it just as likely the deer and other animals want to live just as much as we in America know cats and dogs do?

    I personally can't see killing an animal, especially knowing I'd probably wound it and it would die a terrible and painful death....and a lot of these "sporters" drop these poor animals with bow and arrows!!

    nope, not a fan of hunting at all...

  5. why do people freak out so much on hunting animals but there is no one on here freaking out about murders killing people is cruel but killing animals is not i love hunting and i am not going to stop no matter what anyone thinks or says about it don't look at the hunters in a bad way look at the people killing people in a bad way!

  6. What we have here is the newest sound byte of the anti hunter

    Just like the anti gunners claim that they only object to offensive weapons

    The anti hunter is now claiming objection only to sport hunting

    The ploy is as ridiculous as the attempt to defend yourself as a non sport hunter because you eat the meat

    Sport is just a term used to differentiate between the professional hunter, subsistence hunter, and those that hunt on weekends a few months out of the year

    It means nothing you could call it Fall or Winter hunting and still have the same thing

    The biologist that set the kill quotas don't even take into consideration what will be done with the animals once they are dead they are only concerned with how many need to be dead at the end of the season

    This eat what I kill mantra for the most part is simply an attempt to justify the killing of the animal and something that responsible parents back in the days before game management taught their children in an attempt to teach responsible gun play

    There is nothing wrong with fur hunters or varmint hunters but every time you defend your type of hunting you demean their type of hunting as lower than yours because they don't eat what they kill

    If you don't like hunting don't hunt

    If you don't eat meat fine

    If you are a meat eater that comes here to put down hunting

    You need to reevaluate your thinking

  7. As long as you eat (or donate to someone else) what you kill and minimise the animal's suffering, I'm okay with hunting. Hunting animals which are attacking livestock or crops  is also okay in my opinion. I don't like the chasing down of a fox with 20 horses and dozens of dogs though. That's not hunting that's just lame.

  8. I'm still trying to understand your question, I've read it 5 times and so far all I get is...

    WHAAAAAAA, whimper whimper whiiiine whaaaaaaaaaaa waaaaaaaa.

    I think my universal translator must be broken again.

  9. SPORT: Physical activity that is governed by a set of rules or customs.

    Following the rules and customs of hunting seems to be a good idea, so there is less risk to hunters and fewer wounded animals escaping, and so the culling of the herds can be properly controlled instead of just letting poachers run wild in the woods. Those rules and customs include utilizing  the animal(s) taken, tracking down any wounded animal and keeping the suffering of the game to a minimum.

    So yes, people should be able to hunt for sport.

  10. I truly believe that hunting, when done properly, can help to maintain a population of animals that the environment can support. If you have too great of a population, you consume all your natural resources and you cannot survive, you kill off to much of the population, and the population will die out.

    Whether or not people should or shouldn't be able to hunt for sport is a very controversial way of putting the question. I am a hunter, and I do hunt for sport, but whatever I kill is used for food. I don't think that that is immoral, or unethical because I am hunting for entertainment and to gain something to eat.

    The people who hunt just to kill something and don't bother to eat, use, or give/sell to someone else to use are just unethical people. That kind of sport hunting I believe is unethical.

    Sorry about bad spelling or bad grammar.

  11. Hunting is classified as a sport because some smuck in DC thought it sounded better than "Self Sufficient Individual" BTW No government wants anybody to be self sufficient for if you are you don't need them.

    As for it being a sport, its not.

    Anybody just driving around killing animals for fun is an idiot and a poacher. They are the ones you need to p**s and moan about.

  12. Yes it should be allowed.  When animals over populate an area, it causes all sorts of problems for the herd/pack.  Too many animals not enough food/water mean they will suffer.  By lowering the population, the rest of the animal population lives a better life.

    Oh, and hunters are true conservationists.  If we kill all the animals or tear down all the woods, then there will be no more to hunt.  Our goal is to manage animal numbers because we want them to be around for ever... so we can continue hunting forever.

    Too many, and they suffer.  Too few, and we suffer.

  13. well i don't think it is moral to kill anything for sport. it's cruel and unusual. but then again good question, haven't really given it much thought

  14. hunters hunt for meat, I don't consider it a sport nor does anyone I know. It seem to me that the anti-hunters are the only ones considering it a sport

  15. My personal view doesn't matter.

    a)Hunting is legal,

    b)the vast majority of the voting population,

    including state governments and the federal government itself, agree that it should be and should remain that way,


    c) there's not a d**n thing the anti-hunting minority can do to change that,


    d)go smoke some pot and cry about it, hippie.

  16. If and only if they eat or someone else eats what is killed.  I donate all my meat to homeless shelters.  I also think there shouldn't be so many hoops to jump through to own a Sound Suppressor or A full auto Firearm. I think they should revise the process of getting those such items. I am ranting now.  Its the Ignorance of Firearms that Gets them Banned.  I had a lady that was well educated, Tell me that her friend was shot by a laser guided bullet.  And the laser left residue on the persons clothing.  COME ON.  Yes,  Guns can kill people.  Lets ban religion before we ban guns.  Religion has caused more death than

    anything.  The gun laws only prevent law abiding citizens from having those Guns.

    I could go one but I wont.  hope this helped.  

  17. Hunting in the US is a legal activity. As long as a person is properly licensed to hunt it really doesn't matter their motive.

    According to the US Supreme Court in Heller VS Washington D.C. the Second Amendment of the US Constitution ALSO protects the right of the citizen to posses a firearm for the purpose of SPORTS.

  18. we are getting tired of answering this question over and over.....hunting is 100 percent legal........if you don't like it don't do it......we won't care.....all you anti hunters stop coming here and asking this over and are just trolling

  19. I don't hunt anymore but when I did, I felt that I let the animal live a normal life and die a normal death, in compairison to the condition most livestock live in today. Believe me it's no nice little farm!

    Today I see it differently, it's a necessity to maintain a stability in population of the animals. They have always been hunted and if it's suddenly ruled illegal, people will complain of deer in their gardens, accidents with moose, etc. The number of hunters have decresed where I'm from, and the gvnmnt is about to hire people to stabilize populations.

  20. " Society will forever judge Hunters by their Compassion for the Animals that they Hunt for and Harvest for Food & Sport."... " Hunting is Fun and Enjoyable, Killing is neither Fun or Enjoyable."... All life is precious to us true Hunters and Sportsman, even a Rabbits to us Hunters who Hunt them for Sport and Food for ourselves, family, friends, and fellow Sportsman and Hunters.* How anyone cannot consider Hunting as a Sport is beyond me.* You cannot separate Sport & Hunting, or Hunting from Sport.* Those who attempt to do so are sadly and badly mistaken.* Those people who Criticize, Condemn, and Complain about it have no reasonable, justifiable, credible, or valid reason for doing so.* Any reasonable common sense person would realize this as true and a Fact.* It is what it is, a Great Sport to participate in for those who choose to do so.*

  21. yes. as long as they eat the meat. i dont like people hunting for sport.

  22. My personal view of hunting is that it is something that humans have done from the very beginning.  There is nothing wrong with the taking of game for food within the legal limits of the law.  There is a lot of sport involved in hunting and it's not wrong to enjoy doing it.  

    On an ecological note, hunting controls overpopulation and it "thins herds or groups", preventing disease.  As the population of humans is ever increasing, we have been chipping away at the cover animals hide in.  How many times have we seen wild game such as deer, mountain lions, or even bears in our towns?  

    While I enjoy hunting for sport and taking game for food, I do not believe in shoot animals just to shoot them.  Everything I shoot gets eaten and if I don't eat it, I know someone who does. These are my personal rules that I live by.  

  23. I grew up hunting and eating wild animals, so I have no problem with it. Should people be allowed to hunt for sport, depends on what your mean. I don't think people should just hunt for the chance to shoot something. Each shot should be a clean kill and the game should be collected for consumption. I have heard of persons riding around and shooting deer from their cars and leaving them where they fall.

    As for why should animals still be hunted, there are several reasons: population control, pest control (destroying crops), disease control, and as a food source.  

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