
1 cm dialated and 50% efaced?

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My best friend is 36 weeks pregnant. Her doctor told her she is 1 cm dialated and 50% effaced. About how long does she have?




  1. different for everony, my friend was 3cm dialated 50 % effaced, and still went 10 more days..  Personally, i was 100% effaced and dialated at 2cm and i was only 30 weeks preggo , so tehy stopped my labour and gave me steroids to help develop my babies lungs, then i ahd my baby at 32 weeks and 2/7ths soo.. yah very diff. for everyone

  2. I am currently 35 weeks, 1cm, and 60% effaced.  My midwife indicates that the baby will come before the due date, but I don't wanna get my hopes up.  Last pregnancy, I dilated 6 cm, and stayed that way for a week before the midwife felt pity and broke my water for me.  It's hard to say how your friend's outcome will be.

  3. could be a week, could be a month. you really cant determine when labor will start by either. My 1st i was at 2cms for almost 4 weeks

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