
1 day at seasonal job, and another job came along that I wanted more. Do I still need to give a 2 week notice?

by  |  earlier

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Or is 1 week notice enough for a seasonal job? It's a catch 22 because I'm new and being trained, and they know it's a waste of time to train me for a job I'm getting ready to leave... so in a sense, I'm tempted to just quit, but I don't want to burn a bridge. What's the best way to handle this?




  1. Offer a 1 weeks notice and let it be up to your employer whether or not to keep you on for that week.  

  2. Go to the current employer and just simply tell them the truth. After that, ask them how would they prefer you to quit-is one week good for them, two weeks good for them or is it okay to have that be your last day. If they want you to stay one week, or two weeks then let your new employer know about it so it can be worked out.

    Thanks for asking.

  3. In this case I would just let them know that another opportunity came in and I have decided to take it. Let them know that you don't want to leave them high and dry and are willing to stay at least a week. They will appreciate your professionalism.  

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