
1 day late with very sore nipples?

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hi please help the first day of my last period was 30th june and we babydanced on 12th july as predicted by as most likely to concieve a girl. I am now 1 day late with very sore nipples which i have never gotten prior to af! and a creamy discharge, could i be pregnant? i never had signs like this with my sons anyone had signs like this and been pregnant? ty for ur help




  1. Nipples are sore early on pregnancy; however, the creamy discharge with being one day late of menses is unusual.  It usually comes later down the line.  Check with your doc about this discharge supposedly so early on.

    Sore, sore nipples and secretion is a pregnancy symptom but again, get this checked because it is so early on.

  2. Hi - I can't really offer an answer but I can tell you that I am experiencing something very similiar.  I am 5dpo and TTC, I noticed 2dpo that my nipples became very sore.  I don't recall having this issue with my son however, that was 6 years ago.

    I would suggest taking a HPT.  Please let me know how it turns out.  Best of luck to you! :)

  3. no, you have an infection or problem with your milk ducts.

    Hormones that causes changes due to pregnancy take longer than that to affect your b*****s.

    see your doctor, s/he'll prabably prescribe antibiotics

  4. You could be pregnant.  You should  be far enough past ovulation to take a pregnancy test.  Good luck and baby dust to you.  Let us know if you get a BFP.

  5. Take one of the pregnancy tests that will read an accurate result "up to five days before your missed period".  It's less accurate the sooner you take the test, but I got a positive result one day before I was even expecting my period.  I'm not sure which brand it was. It was in a pink box..I want to say first choice or something like that.  Good Luck TTC and I hope you are pregnant!

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