
1 day old cut on my hand is it infected??

by  |  earlier

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ok tripped on some metle wire yesterday and cut my hand pretty bad, it bled alot for the size of the cut and there like deep slices as well .

i washed it but not that well to be honest cos i cant stand stuff like that. around the cut is like a bruse kinda thing.

i put a dressing thing on it over night, took it off in the morning (still really really hurts). then i put a quick heal plaster on it 5 mins later its like ooozing a pale milky white stuff (ewwww)

do u think its infected?? what do you think i should do?? or not do??

any help wud be great thanks =) x*x




  1. YES its infected.... you also need a tetnus, nothing to fool with. If you get tetnus infection you get a condition call lock jaw, very very painful.

    Personal experience, plus im a Medical Assistant at an urgent care.

    please go get it looked at!

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