
1 felony what should i do?

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me and my lil cousin was coming from his girl house and we saw people coming out of nowhere with guns.comes out to be the my first mind was to run ,so i ran and was charged with burglary cause a buglary of a garage was in progress so they thought i had sum thing to do with it they caught someone in the garage but still took me and my lil cousin to jail my lil cousin is 13 going on 14 in a week im 15 and i have a petit theft on my record what. what will the court do?




  1. Pack for a long vacation

  2. cops are.. asdkfljas.

  3. They might just end up throwing the case out b'c the cops can't prove that you or your cousin are the ones who commit ed the robbery. So, what did they do with the other person they actually caught in the garage. See if your parents can get a lawyer who would look at your case for free. Meaning pro bono. Good luck on gettin this one thrown out!

  4. they will prob put you into a group home "for troubled boys" type of thing for about a year, depending on what your state rules are and what your relationship is like with your parent(s). Just keep this in mind since you are so young.. I know someone who got into trouble like you when he was younger, only he stole his mom's car and drove from pa to fl with it, on probation for pet theft.... He's now an x-ray tech making like 18 an hour at a hospital... Learn from your mistakes now so you don't end up going back to jail over and over again like another person i know(my step brother) who has been in jail more since he turned 18, than out of jail.

  5. be sure to get a lawyer who believes you.  They have a case for you running from guys with guns which is not a crime in itself and nothing that puts you in the garage.

  6. If you really didn't do anything don't sweat it!  It is the burden of the officers to prove you broke in the garage.

    If you did do something, then believe you me, the officers know their job and will have proof that you did it.  

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