Question: can i tell what gender he/she is? can i tell my hamster is stressed? much do hamsters drink?

by  |  earlier

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he/she is 3-5 months old.hes pretty dang big! i got him at petcetera(petshop) and i think i have detected him having in irection while bathing so i think hes a boy :) not that i look i watch him bath :) thx




  1. Male hamsters have balls. You can look it up on the website belowVV.

    Hamsters will bite, squeak, or act strangely if he is stressed.

    Hamsters surprisingly drink a lot for a animal so small. Just empty out his water bottle every 2 days and give him fresh water.

    Good Luck!

  2. 1. If he is a male it will be easy to tell as he will have a large protrusion under his tail and if it is a female it won't.

    2. If your hamster is awake during  the day and pottying a lot

    3. hamsters water intake will vary with what they eat and how much fresh vegetables they eat each day

  3. The easiest way to tell is.....BALLS! Hold your hamster then turn him lying down (in ur hand and if you see 2 pink balls that stick out then u havea guy.

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