
1 in 9 black men age 20 to 34 in America are in prison?

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I read this awful statistic in this week's Time magazine. You abolish slavery, but 150 years later have a tenth of the adult male black population locked away in prisons?

What action is America taking to reverse this?




  1. did you look at the percent of asians in prison?

    are you saying asians are welcomed in america, and we get our own red carpet?

    dont just look at the stats, its impossible to concrete info unless it stands out

  2. maybe blacks should not commit so many crimes?

  3. Aloha from Down Unda!

    1st, obviously, we're tryin to git a Black President!

    But incarceration has been a growth industry replacing the draft & it's merely a condition of circumstances geared before the end of the draft.  The drug wars & slow incorporation of 'Civil Rights' help fuel the statistics toward  minority manipulations into the criminal lifestyles.

    By the way, when we abolished slavery, we didn't abolish stoopidity!  Otherwise, the Stratigic Air Command would have still been in force to preclude the destruction of the World Trade Center & no one named Clinton would be a Senator!

    Best wishes~

  4. No action really. American society is still guided by the good ol' boy system and there is nothing they like more than to marginalize the black culture. It makes them feel empowered to have someone to beat up on. On the other hand, the black people in America, do not exactly strive to better themselves, however, no one has really taken the time to show them.  It's an incessant problem.

  5. I don't think it is.  It is definitely something to look at.

  6. Hmmm..we have a gazillion in our cities, and they are still committing crimes, so no they are not all in jail.

  7. bring back slavery?

  8. For this to be a problem, not just an interesting statistic, you need to show that a black man has more chance of prison than a white one for the same crime.

    There are lots of reasons why some social groups (not all defined by colour!) go in for crime. Punishing those caught is certainly part of the answer, but breaking up the culture which encourages crime (by offering education, discipline, opportunities....) should be the other part.

    Here and there a group seems to be resistant to any or all of the above, and unfortunately for themselves, will continue to be punished. We have such cultures, from all races, here in the UK. What it's like in the USA  I do not know at first-hand.

  9. You do the crime, you do the time.  Skin color has nothing to do with it.  Have you just stopped to ask yourself:  Could it just possibly be that blacks are doing most of the crimes?

    The question should be,  what actions are the people doing the crimes doing to reverse this, not;  "what is America doing to reverse this".

  10. Most of it is drug related.

    I say, give them a job that pays as good as dealing drugs and the problem will disappear.

  11. Too many people are in prison full stop.

    If people didn't commit crimes then the prisons would be empty.

  12. its testosterone. Black men on average have much much higher levels than whites. They also have much higher rates of high blood pressure, prostate cancer, etc. Its all from the hormone. women are much more attracted to them for this. The downside is testosterone makes a guy aggressive.

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