
1 mg prescription of Ativan?

by  |  earlier

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Hi, I was given a 1mg prescription to take 1 hour before an examination for anxiety. How strong is 1mg? I know it's based personal thing, but does it just make you sleepy...drowsy...will I be mostly awake and can respond or have any memory loss? I just wnat to know, I'm anxious about a procedure I"m having done so that's why I was given this..





  1. 1 mg. is a very low dose.  Ativan is a very effective anti-anxiety drug that can be given up to 2mg. twice a day.  While drowsiness is a known side effect, it is not likely at such a low dose.  The 1mg. tablet can be broken in two, and half the dose taken, it also works to take it sublingually (letting it dissolve and be absorbed under the tongue, it isn't bad tasting and has no aftertaste), the action is quicker this way.

  2. hey, u dont have to worry at al about that. No memory loss or no serious complications at all. It just ll make u drowsy n ll also calm ur anxiety of the procedure. N the advantage of givin it is also reduces the amount of anesthesia required for the procedure. Usually given about 90 to 120 min before procedure orally.

  3. It may make you feel drowsy. You won't have any memory loss, be catatonic, or talk like a babbling fool. Don't worry. You'll probably just feel loopy at most and should definitely stay away from driving cars if you do. I suggest taking it when your day is over and you don't need to do anything important so you can get a feel for how your body reacts.

  4. You should just feel relaxed and a little sleepy. You may want to take a nap afterwards. There really aren't any common side effects. I have taken it many times with no problems. Also, that is a very low dose. You should be fine.

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