
1 mistake and everyone wants to kill me?

by  |  earlier

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do karate and before I was regarded as a saint. All the time parents would tell their kids to grow up and act like me. Now I am public enemy #1. These 2 boys snuck into the women's locker rooms and took videos and pictures of me as I undressed. I pinned the 2 boys up against the wall by their neck (still being careful to allow them to breathe) and let them have it the very worst thing I said was dirty little pervertsthey were 11 and 12. Another girl filmed this on her cell phone. (bets it is going to be on you tube soon) Now the parents HATE me. My instructor as stood up for me though.

The parents have forgotten about all the time I helped their kids w/ homework before class. How I didn't go on the school trip to the beach and stayed so the kids could have their fun day.

They saw from my uniform that I go to boarding school. now they think I am a delinquent, and that I skip school for karate. That is true I don't go to gym. THE DEAN IS OK WITH IT.

How can I get it back 2 normal




  1. I dont know how to make it right, but woop those kids daily in pratice. why not?


  3. It is the type of society that we live in today, Instead of disciplining their kids for the action that they did (which was planed, so they knew what they were doing) the parents try to find a scapegoat to explain the action that their kids did. If you were not the scapegoat then it would be ADD or some other such disease and they would have their kids to start popping pills.

    You are not in the wrong, let me repeat that you are not in the wrong. You could have handled the situation a bit better, but I don't think you can get it back to normal. All you can do is try to make small steps to regain your good reputation again.

    But there is a question I would like to ask, Do you want everything to go back to normal after knowing how the parents will react if you discipline one of their kids again? If it was me I would tell the ungrateful parents what I thought of them and get on with my life, but I am not in your situation.

  4. can i get a copy of there video?

    actually id prefere yours i think you did the right thing

    and if the parents want to start just sort them out!

  5. well its the boys mistake for violating your is a crime to record someone dressing and undressing.

    It is the kids that needs to apologize.

  6. As a martial artist, shouldn't you be handling this a little better?

    They don't have to like you.

    Do you know what you did was justified? Did you consider the consequences before you acted? Did you form your resolve and accept that this would happen if you decided to use force against them?

    You should have. If not, this is a learning experience for you. Resolve is formed before action is taken, and consequences are excepted thusly. If you cannot stand by your decisions before, during, and after, then you've got no business making them or using your art at all. I know it's not what you wanna hear, but it's what you need to hear.

    If you do not believe what you did was wrong, why should their disagreeing bother you? That's all there is to it.

    If I was in that situation, I'd have done something similar. However, I would have accepted before hand that it would cause me to lose favor with the people outside the dojo, and even possibly with those inside the dojo, then accepted the consequences of my actions and moved on with my training.

    You chose a path, now walk it to the end. Accept what you did and what happened because of it, and move on with your training. If you're not feeling guilty, stand straight and tall behind your choice to teach those boys a lesson, and move on.

  7. I don't see any problem with what you did.

    I do however see a problem with your writing.  Skip a couple karate classes and work on your writing.

  8. if this is true then you did the right thing.

    this is a typical indication of the constant sissyfication of our society.

    we don't want people to hit us, but expect people to just think that "please" will help.

    the only thing some people understand is force.

    even you have yourself calling it a "mistake" it is THIER mistake, your dean, your instructor all stood up for you- you are not wrong THEY are and these parents owe you an apology- which I doubt you will get from thier soccer mom asses, I suggest you ignore them and make it clear you are until they apologize to you.

    EDIT: I call bull on you at this point.

  9. Well, first things first. If what you say is true then you did the RIGHT thing, and those little boys can be in a lot of trouble fro sexual harrassment, peeping tom, slander, and invasion of privacy. You can also take this up with their parents and the school and they will feel the pain of a harrassment lawsuit.

    Don't worry about how others see you. Your instructor knows and fully supports you. They're probably very proud of the fact that you protected yourself in such a vulnerable situation. If anybody threatens you for your "supposed" misconduct, just remind them of the laws regarding sexual harrassment.

    Filing a harrassment charge is not suing, it's criminal prosecution.

  10. karate chop, then flying dragon wing kick

    follow this up with super sneaking tiger pounce.

    finish those biatches off with he hunting crane chopstick noodle sweep.

    that'll show em!

  11. I think what you did was totally legit... The public needs SOMEONE to ridicule... I'm sorry that happened to you, I'm betting it will blow over soon.  Prove them wrong and don't let it get to you (or react in anger to the public) and they'll feel foolish one day.

  12. sew the family on the boys that were video taping you. in most states that is invasion of privacy and is punishable by death, na just playin about a 500 doller fine.

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