
1 month gift?

by  |  earlier

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me & my bf have been together one month.

we are exchanging gifts on friday.

so i am getting him a cute card, a blue flower[his fav color] and a cd mix of our songs.

any ideas of some couple songs?

and is my gift to girly/corny?




  1. The Mr. and I have been together for 3 years...this year, we made dinner together and hi-fived.

    It gets easier.

    Just do what feels natural.

  2. Yep - it's a cute idea, but definitely **not** something guys are into to.

    Yes - the teddy bear idea is also really cute - but again, cute is not what guys like in presents.

    Cookies, brownies... good things. Tickets to a sporting event would be cool if it's in your price range.

    Hope this helps!

  3. Guys aren't into cards or flowers -- I'd skip these.  I also don't know many guys who like "love" songs.  

    Want to really give him a nice gift?  Bake him a batch of cookies or brownies.

  4. sounds corny to me!
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