
1 month old son crying while eating?please help, so frustrating.

by  |  earlier

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i have to temporarily stop breastfeeding due to a medication that i'm on. so for the past few days my baby has to eat formula because i ran out of pumped milk. lately when he's hungry & i feed him, he'll suck for about 2 minutes, starting crying, start sucking again, & cry some more. he gets really squirmy to the point where i have to basically wrestle him to get him to eat. i thought maybe it was because he could smell my milk & he wanted the real thing, so i had my husband feed him & he does the same thing. it's been going on for two days now, i'm so frustrated that today i had to put him in his crib & walk away for a few minutes because i could not take it anymore. why would he be doing this? thankfully i only have 4 days left of the medicine & can start breastfeeding him again.




  1. he could be frustrated that he isnt getting breastmilk any more, or he might not like the formula you chose. You could try switchin the formula to see if that helps.

    My son sometimes fusses just for fun when he feeds so I let him have his little cry and i tell him that it's okay and he needs to eat and after he's calmed down we try again! I know it's rough but good kluck!

  2. this is probably just due to the fact its a change he does not like, although breast milk and formula milk are similar they taste different, hes probably just noticed the change and will settle when you start feeding again

  3. just whoop his behind and yell at him scare him he'll stop .....naw just kiddin ima 14 yr old so dont take this as an offense i was just kiddin  

  4. Because breast milk taste good to them...formula does not taste the same.

  5. DUH, there is a difference between breast milk and formula and your son can taste the difference.  

  6. He's probably protesting the formula. Get in touch with your local La Leche League (or google breast milk donations) to see if getting donated pumped milk will work better for your little one.

    In the meantime keep pumping and dumping so that you don't lose your own supply.

  7. Hi sounds like he has gas.maybe try;-

    - using a different teat or bottle , There's one type called Dr Browns bottles that are quite good.

    It is really stressful it  is just part of your babies digestive system developing.

    -There are also some drops that you can get at the chemist to help your baby bring up the gas that you administer  right before you give them the bottle,I suffered with my baby like this for the first six weeks was also dead against using a pacifier/dummy ended up giving him one and he instantly calmed down

    -Try and get friends /family  to help out as much as possible as it really does help to pass your baby around

    Good luck it will get better

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