I am just about broke and I need transportation! I have a '96 Olds Delta 88 Royale. When I bought it last week, the brakes were squeaking bad and the driver side was smoking a little bit. 3 days later, I eventually had hardly ANY brakes, and soon, the pedal went to the floor, and I had to park it. I got my paycheck, replaced the front pads and calipers. I noticed the driver side was BAD...caliper piston had been froze ALL the way out, etc. At this point, the system had drained all of the fluid. So, after replacing ALL, I topped it off with fluid and bleed the new breaks. Passenger side went well...driver's side pushed the caliper piston all the way out, and didn't suck it back in! I forced it back in, bleed the breaks again but that side doesn't seem to be working. I also noticed (while bleeding) that the drive side had alot of air coming out, I bleed repeatedly but still got air. Someone said its the porportioning valve...but I don't see 1 on here? So...this side still not working.