
1 more brake question?

by Guest63427  |  earlier

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I am just about broke and I need transportation! I have a '96 Olds Delta 88 Royale. When I bought it last week, the brakes were squeaking bad and the driver side was smoking a little bit. 3 days later, I eventually had hardly ANY brakes, and soon, the pedal went to the floor, and I had to park it. I got my paycheck, replaced the front pads and calipers. I noticed the driver side was BAD...caliper piston had been froze ALL the way out, etc. At this point, the system had drained all of the fluid. So, after replacing ALL, I topped it off with fluid and bleed the new breaks. Passenger side went well...driver's side pushed the caliper piston all the way out, and didn't suck it back in! I forced it back in, bleed the breaks again but that side doesn't seem to be working. I also noticed (while bleeding) that the drive side had alot of air coming out, I bleed repeatedly but still got air. Someone said its the porportioning valve...but I don't see 1 on here? So...this side still not working.




  1. Get rebuilt calipers at NAPA or another local auto parts store.  They are actually surprisingly cheap and should do the trick.  You may want to replace the short rubber lines going to the calipers from the steel brake line also; they can deteriorate inside and collapse, making the caliper not release.  I would about bet money on the rubber line being your problem.

  2. you must have a air pocket in the lines, keep bleeding it. have someone pump the brakes quick and hard, maybe that will get the air pocket out.

  3. I tried to tell you the answer yesterday. You are not bleeding the brakes properly. You dont pump the brakes to bleed them on that car. Listen carefully. Get the car up on a lift and or jackstands and get the wheels all off. Start at the right rear, have someone push pedal down once and hold, open bleeder, close bleeder, let pedal up 15 seconds, go to left front, push pedal down once, open and close bleeder, go to left rear, do the same, go to right front, do the same. Keep fluid filled and cap on master the whole time. Sometimes it takes an hour to do this, especially now that you have pumped all that air throughout the system. If you dont do this, you will never get all the air out, trust me.
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