
1. name two major organs that produce digestive enzymes and name the enzymes.?

by  |  earlier

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2. name the four regions of the stomch and the type of tissue found in each.

3 what is the total length of the digestive system in centimeters.

4name and describe the function of the two valves found in the stomach

answer any of them




  1. Wow, tonight's the night for posting non-botany questions in the Botany section... try again in a section where people are expecting human biology questions. :)

  2. ok i think the first question is answered thus: pancrease and liver,  the liver produces bile thru the hepatic duct thus breaking down different material so the protiens can be utilised and the pancrease produces insulin which metabolises sugars. im not sure but im thinkin thats a couple of answers for ya. asophagas is one of the valves actually a flap that keeps food down and acid from coming back up into your throat and the other one MAY be the hepatic duct not sure and its job is to add bile to aid digestion. as far as the lenght of total digestive system the intestines are around 800 feet the rest im not certain but im sure there is no absolute answer to this question as we are all different. averages go for averages..

    good luck

  3. 1.large intestine+anal


    3.push down to intestines

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