
1 positive and 2 negative preg tests

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I made an appointment, but it is for September 9th or so.. Just wondering for now




  1. I would probably spend the money to get another digital test.  I took ept (with the lines), they were so faint I took an ept digital to be sure.  Digital was positive without a doubt.  A postitive is a positive.  Wait a couple days, and test again.

  2. if you got a positive, you are most likely pregnant. make a Dr appointment.

  3. It allll depends on the tests, honey. They all check for different levels of the hormone. Some of those cheaper tests check for a higher level, like 25-25, where as some other tests check for lower levels of the hormone, like 15-20.  It is possible you lost the baby, as most people miscarry w/in the 1st 3 weeks and never even know it. It won't hurt, there's no painfully bad cramps, as the egg is so teensy that it won't matter. And you'd bleed normally like a regular period.

    I'd wait 2-3 more days and then take another one, as your hormone level doubles every 3 days. Make sure you read the box and try to get a test that tests for 20 whatever they call it.  

  4. Wait a few more days and take another test if you haven't started yet. Normally any positive means positive so in my opinion you are probably pregnant.

    good luck!

  5. False positives are less likely to happen than false negatives.  So chances are the first reading was correct.  I am not certain if a pregnancy can abort itself that early on.  That may have been what has happened if all tests are coming back negative now.  However, you have it right to set up the appointment.  I hope the outcome of your doctor's appointment is what you are wanting. I know the whole process can be very emotional.

  6. It sounds like you've had an early miscarriage.  The are much more common than most people realize.  

    Most likely, by the time you tested with the digital test, you had already miscarried, but there was enough hcg in your system to register positive on the test.  But because hcg levels were already dropping, by the time you took the later tests, there was no longer enough hcg in your system to register positive.

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