
1 question help!!!!!?

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ok i am a ballet dancer and everyone tells me the only thing that is holding me back is my feet so how can i work on my feet to get it to go the angle like in the photo (the one in the arabesque)?




  1. i had a similar problem.

    i have flat feet and its very hard to be a good ballet dancer with them!

    i know this may sound stupid but some point and flexes for about five minutes a day really help!!

    this is also another stretch for the feet that worked for me

    Rest your foot on a hard surface

    point your toes as hard as you can without hurting yourself

    then use your hands to push down on the foot without causing any pain

    Hold for about 20 seconds,

    hope this helps!!

    OHH okay that changes a few things. the reason your foot is turning the wrong way is PROBABLY because you're turning your thigh the wrong way try groin stretches. if this isnt the case it could be your instinct to turn it in this direction just keep thinking "i need to make sure i turn out this way" or something like that..

    its really quite hard to help without being sure exactly what you're doing wrong.

    If you havent consulted your teacher try that she wont bite you,, unless shes a vampire..

  2. You have to stretch stretch strecth. Go to the barre stand in an arebesque, have a partner push up on your lifted leg and keep your back arched.

  3. definately stretch all you can. but that is definately a har d area to stretch. i'm a ballet dancer too, and how i stretch for arabesque's is to like go to my kitchen or any other area with a higher surface like a countertop, and place one leg on the counter and  dip as far as you can to the ground using your other leg and twist. and that will stretch your innermost thigh and help your turn out for your feet.

    i hoopppee i helped:]

  4. first of all great picture!!!! Okay stretch. Point and flex your feet few juts a couple minutes per day. Do lots of foot work. I have the same problem. I have soooo much of a flat foot. I point and flex my feet everyday and now getting an arch.

    I sure hope this helps.

  5. ok well the ballerina in the photo has fished her foot. its when you do the opposite to sickleing. you still have to pointe your feet just as much. try this... point your foot paralle in front of you and fish it to the side (that is move your toes to left if you have the left foot pointed.) make sure that when you do it you are just moving your foot from the ankle and and not from the leg.

    it is a beautiful line and when it's in the air, it continues that continuous straight line under the leg that your teacher will most likely be always talking about! if it looks weird when its in front of you don't worry it'll look beautiful in the air, like in an arabesque.  

    to improve your feet just keep stretching! i used to stick my feet under the small gap under the piano in our studio and at home. find a small gap thats about 2-3cm between the floor and the object and then try to stick your feet under that. it will probably hurt at first but everything will. the more you improve the further you will be able to move your feet under. just make sure that they are paralle and your not sickling! good luck and hope you get your beautiful line! happy dancing! =)
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