
1 syrian or 2 russian dwarf hammies

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i have kept syrian hamies all my life and even bred them before i am now thinking about getting 2 russian dwarf hammies i dont really mind what i get what do you think i should get !!! =)




  1. In the end, it's all down to your decision. We can only help with the fact :-)

    Syrian hamsters - Easy to tame, a loving pet (you feel that you have a bond with it) and easy to look after (as with all hamsters)

    Russian Dwarf's - Not that easy to tame, tend to nibble a bit, fast and can live in a pair.

    Hope that helped (a bit)!

    PS. If you want any name suggestions, visit for 2807 of them!

  2. I just got 2 dwarfs and already had 4 syrians and I think they both are adorable.  Although after having hamsters that have to live alone having two in the same cage is a little scary.  My dwarfs have never bit my or my kids.  Maybe they're just thankful that I didn't let the pet store feed them to the snake.  Just be prepared to worry.  And their squeaking takes a little getting used to.  The first time my kids heard it they thought they were killing each other.

  3. I think Syrians are so lovable and gentle. I think you would regret getting the dwarf hammies. They just are too small!

  4. i would like to get both if i were you,if you get both, remember not to put them together!

  5. get dwarfs i have a few and they are all the friendliest hammies i ever had  

  6. With the russians you could get problems when put together. They are more solitaire than syrians. We had 2 russians and had to sepparate them because they fought to much.

  7. I love syrians and would always stick with them.

  8. It is normal, trying to try something which you haven't tried before.

    Since you are experienced with Syrians, you want to try Dwarfs now.

    But, it really depends on what you want to do.

    Dwarf hamsters are very cute and active and they can live in pairs.

    BUT they tend to bite more and if they escape, they don't go back home and it is very difficult to find them since they are fast and small.

    They can be eye candies and also play with you during day time, but they might not get used to you very quickly.

    Syrian Hamsters in my opinion are the best kind of hamsters.

    I currently own 6 of them (3 long haired and 3 short haired)

    I find the Syrian hamsters much cuter and friendlier...and yes, they do bit a lot at the beginning and these bites are painful...but it has been 4 month since the youngest hamster bit me!

    You might want to keep more than one hamster, but having one is easier...the single hamster would get your attention all the time, it will get your love alone, BUT if you had the Dwarf hamster, you'd have to spend the DOUBLE time with them.

    Syrians may sleep a lot, but they are can train them to do tricks (stand, look back) and the Syrian Hamsters don't bite a lot if they get used to you.

    However, Dwarf hamsters are good too.

    But f you keep more than one, there is always a chance they will fight!

    Now it's up to you to decide which hamster(s) to get.

    I explained the pros and cons for both here.

    There's no harm in trying something different.

    Please let me know what you decide.

    I wish you all the very best.

    PS: The Syrians gets used to humans faster and easier than Dwarfs do.


    Have a Good Day!


    ¸.•*´`*♥Shining ★ Star♥*´`*•.¸

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