
1 week until school how do I...?

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OK so I here that this year the PE class is hard, so what are some ways to burn fat and gain muscle in that little time period?




  1. first let me tell you that what you want is extremely hard to do in the time frame i think you want to do it in. if you want to burn fat and gain muscle you would have to go on a strict diet, it would be such a slow process because to lose weight you would need to burn more calories than you consume and to gain muscle you would need consume more calories than you burn....i guess i better just its impossible...i can give you advise if you want to do this for the next school year

  2. Seriously, try swimming.  It's relaxing, but tough.  It will work your whole body and burn fat like a lighter against a stick of butter.  I just do the freestyle stroke.  You first have to learn how to breathe properly and pace yourself.  Don't get discouraged if you can only do 6-10 laps your first time, but I assure you that your endurance will increase dramatically in a short amount of time.

  3. You don't. You're only going to injure yourself if you rush into a workout program expecting end up in better shape after only one week. If you want to get in shape, set up some long term goals.

  4. You can't, you should have started earlier.  I never got why people think they can get results within a week or so, when it takes many years for body builders to get up to where they got and they train hard for hours a day 6 or 7 times a week.

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