
1 year ago I gave my father $10 000 to invest for me in order to purchase a house. I now am desperate for .?

by  |  earlier

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these funds and my father says that he won't talk about it. The money wasn't owed to him and was transferred via electronic banking. What can I do to recover these funds?




  1. you cannot recover the funds. unless you drew up an angency contract at the time clearly stating you bestowed $10K to him to invest on your behalf or if a trust was set up at the time, dont bother going to court as evidence of the transfer is not enough. he could say you were paying him back.

    at the end of the day call it a loss as he's your old man. next time use a financial planner.

  2. ask him again, find the receipts/statement showing the electronic transfer, approach him again and tell him your going to the cops if you don't get it back by ______ (date)

  3. He lost it or spent it.  Now what?

  4. did you tell him u need the money?

    if he is avoiding the topic after the 3rd attempt, tell him that he leaves u no choice but to take legal action and use your receipt as proof.

  5. Did you put anything in writing at the time that you gave it to him? If so, then you could take it to court, but that is pretty drastic.

    You just really need to sit down with him and explain that it is your money and you really need it. He is probably just worried that you will blow all the money away. Maybe tell him what you are planning to do with it. Maybe just ask for a small part of the money, instead of the whole $10k

    Or, maybe he has spent it all, and doesnt want to tell you - Hopefully not though.

  6. you might have to go to court!!!!!

  7. just take it easy

    give your father 3 months notice and during those 3 months talk about how excited you are with what you going to do with it

    get excited so that he will feel guilty if he doesn't give it, like it will break your heart.

    be patient

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